Category Archives: Crafting

Making Memorable Holidays For the Children in Your Life

When I grew up, our Christmas tree was decorated with tinsel and gigantic colored outdoor sized lights.  I LOVED STRINGING THE TINSEL ON  one strand at a time!  We had some plain colored balls, ornaments my sister and I made in the innumerable craft classes we were enrolled in and a few special ornaments my mother had managed to collect on her meager budget.  My sister and I also made paper chains, strung popcorn and cranberries and when we finished decorating the tree we thought it was simply magnificent.  Oh yeah!  And the tree was one of the really cheap, really thin "Charlie Brown" variety trees which were the only ones that we could afford.

Did I grow up feeling deprived of Christmas joy?!  Absolutely not.  Why didn’t I?  I think it was because I got to participate in the holiday, make crafts and help out.  My mother wasn’t worried about our tree being drop-dead-gorgeous or looking like a magazine spread (which there weren’t many of anyway).  She just wanted us children to have a really special holiday.

Since my girls are grown, when I ask what their special memories of Christmas are,  it’s quite interesting to note which ones made a deep impression.  One year we did a 10 foot tall Victorian pink and blue tree (mid-80’s 🙂 )  They loved that tree and we still have some of the paper ornaments from it that they enjoy.  Another year, the year that their Dad was dying from cancer, we went to Hawaii for two weeks and decided to make a Hawaiian Christmas tree by decorating sea shells and making our own ornaments.  Those ornaments have become a treasure for the both of them.  Another year I invited all of the neighborhood kids to come to an ornament making day at out house (their parents contributed $5 and I shopped wholesale so they made some spectacular ornaments!) we did a natural Christmas theme with pine cones and tartan plaid ribbons and still use those ornaments that have survived on our tree today (if we’re going with a red and green theme).  Do you see the theme here on which Christmas’ were memorable to them?  The ones they created something themselves, can look at the ornaments or decorations today and recall the memories.  There’s something about connecting with tangible objects that helps us to store lifelong memories.

Too many of us crafty or artistic types want our homes and Christmas trees to be spectacular and don’t leave room for our children to have fun and participate in the holiday.  When they hang their ornaments "in the wrong place" we move them.  The colors they pick out "don’t go together" or clash with this year’s tree theme.  We make everything perfect and leave them feeling like they don’t quite measure up.  We don’t do it intentionally, but it’s very easy to do and the wound hurts whether it was meant to be a wound or not. 

The last two years, I have turned over the Christmas tree decorating to my two girls who are still at home.  They have had so much fun doing it and I’ve had an amazingly fun time watching them!  They’ve done the tree very differently from what I would do, but it’s been fabulous nonetheless.  This year I’m even thinking about giving in on one of my biggest pet peeves…. colored lights!  I do not like colored Christmas lights, I like simple, elegant white lights.  Sooooooo, of course my children crave colored lights.  It will take everything within me to give in on this one, but I think I finally will, that is with one caveat… no blinking colored lights.  I can’t stand flashing strands of tree lights either (I can handle individually twinkling lights). 

You see, we all have our individual tastes and ways of expressing our love of the holidays.  But it’s so important to remember that we need to nurture our children so that they can deveop their own creativity, rather than make our home a showplace for outsiders. 

Have you thought about how you can involve your children (or grandchldren, or neighborhood children if you don’t have any of your own) in the holiday decorating, starting with Thanksgiving?  Can you think of some simple projects to do with them?  How about showcasing their school projects on a front entry way table if you have one?  What about having them make a wreath for your front door out of construction paper, scrapbook papers or ?  You might look in one of the many craft magazines and see if there’s some project that would be suitable for their ages and your patience level.  Then while you’re doing the project, tell them some stories about why you celebrate the holidays in a particular way, or share some special memories of the holidays you had in your youth.  These are the memoies that are stored away deep in their souls and nourish them their whole life through! 

THE PROVERB OF THE DAY: Prov 6:20-22 0 My son, keep your father’s commands and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.  Bind them upon your heart forever; fasten them around your neck.  When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you.  NIV

Building a Snowman With Out Getting Cold…

is easy with this brand new digital clip art kit!  Audrey Jeanne’s Build Your Own Snowman Kit 1 will hit the Daisie store next week.  It has a few blank snow Build your own snowman setpeople and a snow dog, cat and teddy bear to dress up!  (UPDATE:  This kit is now available for $7.98 in the Daisie store.  Click on the first picture to go there)

Hats, mittens, scarves, angel wings and halos are all included.  If you have simple digital skills like enlarge, decrease and turn you can make an unlimited amount of your own snowmen and snow scenes.

I’ve created a snow scene using this kit and the other Snowman kit that will be coming out next week combined ("Snowmen Warm Your Preview 2 Build Your Own SnowmanHeart.")  That image is below.  The background and snowbank are included in the Build Your Own Snowman Kit.

I made six different snow people out of this kit to test the ease of creating with it and will probably release them as a mini kit for anyone who doesn’t want to take the time to do it themselves (or for those of you that would like to see what they look like and then buy the kit to make them yourselves!)

sample scene made with two Snowman kitsThe best part of this kit is NO COLD HANDS!!!! 

Today is the last day to enter the "Creating a Special Christmas Contest" at Daisie, see the post below for details, so if you have a project in the works get it posted and you just might be a winner!


Christmas Centerpiece Star Card Available Today

There’s a brand new crafting kit that is available this morning at Daisie.  It’s a very fun, easy but dramatic star card that opens up into a book or opens fully to Christmas photo card and centerpiece previewcreate a star-shaped center piece to decorate your home for the holidays.  Normally priced at $6.95, it’s on sale for a few days for $5.56!  To go to the store simply click on the picture to the right and it will take you there.

The centerpiece has png ornament frames for you to simply place your picture behind, size and center and you’re ready to print.  This is a perfect gift for grandparents, aunts and other distant family members that would enjoy having a wonderful way to feel close to you during the holidays!


Some Brand New Crafting Kits Coming, Unique Self-Closing Gift Boxes, Tea Bag Covers & Nugget Covers

gift box, nugget covers, teabag covers gift set previewI have been working on some Christmas food-oriented gift sets and just now have them ready to give you a peek at them.  These boxes are really, really unique and fun.  They are a self-closing bow top with a curved very unusual rounded top of the box.  I can’t really describe it in words so I’ll show you with a picture!

The largest box is 2 3/4" x 2 3/4" x 5 3/4" and the smaller box is the same width and dept but is about 4 1/2" high.  These boxes look complicated, but are pretty easy once you figure out the folds.  I will have photo instructions of each stage of folding them to make it really easy.

I have a couple more similar sets that will follow including a Gingerbread Cottage Christmas set, so stay tuned!The final picture is a close up of two of the large box sides so you can see a little more of the art in these products.  If any of you do food gifts or food crafts, would you please leave me a comment with any special requests, things that you do a lot of etc.?  It would be very helpful for me 🙂

Please be praying for the California Wildfires.  I lived through the Cedar fire in 2003 which came 1200 ft from our home in Valley Center.  The fires that are happening right now in San Diego are much, much worse (4,000 homes were destroyed in So. Cal in the 2003 fires).  There are 8-10 separate fires being driven by 70 mph winds and over 250,000 people have been ordered to evacuate their homes.  More than 100,000 acres have burned already and the winds aren’t scheduled to subside until 3 PM tomorrow.

Please pray for a break in the weather, strength and protection for the firefighters and residents in our State. 

A Busy Woman’s Approach to Scrapbooking Family Memories by Audrey Jeanne Roberts

If I asked each of you, "Is it important to capture the wonderful moments of your family, document the history of those you have known and loved and share a little bit of your heart with those who will come after you?"  I believe I would hear a giant, resounding "YES!"  If I asked a follow up question and said, "Are you actively doing that in any way?"  I would probably hear a deep sigh and a guilty-sounding "No… I should but I just don’t have the time."

Instant mini album 6" scrapbookI am in exactly your same position as a wife and mother.  As an artist, I have a leg up on you in that I can go to my computer and access close to 1,000 gigabytes of artwork to scrap with, but do I?  Not as often as I would like.  I’ve done more this year than last year and I hope that I will do more yet in 2008.  I’m MAKING TIME (because FINDING time hasn’t seemed to work very well) a little here and a little there.  I’m choosing to take a day that I might go spend in the garden endlessly weeding a patch that will only be filled again with more weeds, to do something instead that will be permanent and even possibly last beyond my lifetime. 

Every day we make choices.  Do we clean the cupboards, mop the floors, weed the garden or do something that has some permanence to it?  All of these activities are of course important, but they are not timeless and permanent.  Perhaps we can let our houses go slightly untended for a day so that we can tend to our heritage.  If we stop and think in those terms, perhaps the task will take on a new meaning.

Instant Scrapbook Album for girlsThe second issue that I always hear about scrapbooking is that "I get overwhelmed even thinking about it!"  Do you go into a scrapbooking store and have your eyes glaze in about 30 seconds?  Do you look at all the choices and freeze?  Do you look at a scrapbooking magazine and see fantastic layouts executed by graphic designer geniuses that you know in your heart you could never duplicate and just decide never to start? 

I spend a lot of time thinking about who my audience is and what her life looks like.  Most of you are warm, wonderful, extremely busy people with wonderful families, more creativity than the average person (but you don’t think that you’re very creativeat all!) and you love to touch the lives of those around you with tenderness, emotional warmth and beauty.  You make a gift with your hands as a way of showing how much you care and how deeply you love. 

My goal in creating each art kit, craft project or scrapbook album is to make it as easy as possible to achieve those goals.  My new "Instant Albums" are designed to make the only thing you have to think about what pictures and occasions you want to document in your scrapbooks.  I’m working at creating kits that work together without necessarily being "matchy-matchy" in look and feel.  When I put them together for you, I want it to be so easy that it’s impossible for you to do a "bad" page!  And I want to do it at a price that is so affordable that you just don’t have any excuse not to get started doing a little at a time!!! 

If you’ve never made a scrapbook and given it to someone, you’ve missed one of the most wonderful feelings in the world.  When I made the scrapbook that I gave to Jacqui on her 21st birthday at the beginning of this month, her face lit up with such excitement and joy that I realized I need to do it much more often.  The most interesting thing was that I didn’t put any pictures in it, I just made the album and am having her put the pictures that are most important to her and write her thoughts about that special day.  You know what I discovered?  It was FUN!!!  It wasn’t a burden and it went so fast I couldn’t believe it… maybe if you start a little project like that you’ll discover the special joy of scrapbooking and just might join me in the ranks of the addicted 🙂



Creating a Brag Book Scrapbook for Children or Grandchildren With Digital Clip Art by Audrey Jeanne Roberts

gingerbread man, house, christmas scrapbook brag book kit digital art

(UPDATE: This kit is now available for $6.98 at Daisie.  Simply click on the first picture and it will take you to the store)  Coming next week to the DAISIE COMPANY is the first of many Instant Album kits for creating the perfect brag book for yourself, your mother or grandmother to carry in a purse!  This kit was so much fun to put together.  It brought smiles to my heart every step of the way.  This book’s finished size is 4" x 6" and can easily hold 18-20 pages of photos.

hybrid scrapbook layouts from brag book, christmas, gingerbreadThe kit will be coming to the store next week and will be priced at  only $6.98 for 66 pieces.  There is a PNG format photo template that you simply drop your photos behind and then cut out in the perfect shape and size to coordinate with the colored and patterns mats that are included.  Also included are 3, 8.5 x 11" papers to print the back side of your pages or use for papers in other projects.

scrapbook layout gingerbread house children grandchildrenI’ve intentionally chosen to create this kit as a "hybrid" kit.  If you do not know what that term means, it is a digital kit that you print, cut and then mix together with your trims, ribbons, jewels and other goodies to create a physical layout through normal scrapbooking processes.  Many of you aren’t quite skilled enough yet to do a digital layout, yet you own great graphics and have a desire to scrapbook your memories inexpensively and easily.  Imagine never running out of a favorite paper!  Imagine being able to write your journaling, edit it and print it in a wonderful font to clearly and easily communicate your thoughts and emotions.  Hybrid scrapbooking is the very best of both worlds!  If you have a good scanner, you might even consider creating a hybrid layout and then scanning it to use in a digital album!brag book christmas mother grandmother grandchildren children

I’ve shown an example of how you can also create standard sized scrapbook pages at 8" x 8" or 12" x 12" using the pieces contained in this kit.  If you can print 12" papers, you can buy my matching paper kit and print your own full size scrapbook papers, if not the same kit can be used to print 8" square pages and you can easily make a small album.

Scrapbooks, brag books and kid’s photographs are the absolutely BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT EVER for anyone!  No grandma is too rich to want more pictures of her grandchildren, and no mother ever has enough pictures either!!

I hope you will enjoy this kit as much as I enjoyed creating it for you.

THE PROVERB OF THE DAY: Prov 18:7-10  A fool’s mouth is his undoing,
and his lips are a snare to his soul. The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to a man’s inmost parts.  One who is slack in his work
is brother to one who destroys. The name of the LORD is a strong tower;
the righteous run to it and are safe.  NIV

Creating a Special Christmas Contest at DAISIE COMPANY by Audrey Jeanne Roberts

For those of you that are not aware, we have a special contest challenge going at THE DAISIE COMPANY  here’s the link to the instructions:  The goal we had in creating this contest was to get you crafting for Christmas so that you won’t be behind and racing crazily (like I always am) in the last week or two before the holiday 🙂

The prize for the winner in each category is one of my brand new cookbooks that were created for Brownlow Gifts.  See these posts to check them out:   There will also be prizes for the second and third place winners in each category.  The categories are the best of  1. General Craft   2. Scrapbook Layout and 3. Greeting Cards (any greeting card qualifies, doesn’t need to be Christmas).  The only requirement is that your creation could be used as a Christmas Gift (doesn’t have to be Christmas designs) and that you use my digital art kits that can be found here:

If I can figure out how to do it, I’ll try to post some of the creations that are already entered.  I can’t seem to right click and copy them so if any of my wonderful wizard friends at DAISIE could tell me how to do that I’d be very grateful!!! 

 THE PROVERB OF THE DAY:  Prov 15:7-10  The lips of the wise spread knowledge; not so the hearts of fools. The LORD detests the sacrifice of the wicked, but the prayer of the upright pleases him. The LORD detests the way of the wicked but he loves those who pursue righteousness. Stern discipline awaits him who leaves the path; he who hates correction will die.  NIV

Comments on today’s proverb.  Often times people can feel that the church is full of hypocrites — that we should be perfect before we call others to reach higher, be better and try to live a better life.  I love this particular scripture because it shows how God looks at things.  He doesn’t care so much  that we’re perfect, but that we’re PURSUING righteousness.  He doesn’t want us to do a series of sacrifices or appear good on the outside and still be wicked at the heart,  he loves a pure heart, a tender heart and humble heart.  The prayer of the upright in heart pleases him.  He loves to answer the honest heart — don’t be afraid to ask Him for anything you need and for help for anything that you are facing today! 

New Gingerbread House Digital Craft Kits Coming Next Week by Audrey Jeanne Roberts

(UPDATE: Now available in the Daisie store for $5.98 for the decorated house and $4.98 for the undecorated house.  Just click on the pictures to go there).  Gingerbread House Digital Craft Kit I have been working on these Gingerbread Cottages for almost two months and finally have them completed.  I have created one that is in essence a "blank" for you to decorate as you wish either by using my own Gingerbread Cottage Christmas kits that will also be coming next week or utilizing graphics you may already own. 

The Cottage kits are a nice large size, but are printed entirely off of letter sized cardstock so every one can create it no matter what printer you own. 

Gingerbread House Digital Craft Kit, PlainThese cottages can be used as gift boxes and look quite lovely when tied with a glittery wired ribbon bow to keep closed.  They can also be used to create your own Gingerbread Village display for the holidays.

I am working on add on kits that will have gingerbread people, trees, candy, signs, mailboxes, light posts, snowmen and other cute items to poplulate your village with.  I am having way too much fun on this (I thought this was supposed to be my work 🙂 )!

For the 100,000th visitor contest, we crossed 99,500 visitors early this afternoon and will probably go over the mark some time tomorrow.  If you want to be entered in the drawing for the random winner, be sure to post a comment today, tomorrow and every day until we cross as I will select from the comments on the actual cross over day!

THE PROVERB OF THE DAY:  Prov 9:13-18  The woman Folly is loud; she is undisciplined and without knowledge.  She sits at the door of her house, on a seat at the highest point of the city, calling out to those who pass by, who go straight on their way.  "Let all who are simple come in here!" she says to those who lack judgment.  "Stolen water is sweet; food eaten in secret is delicious!"  But little do they know that the dead are there, that her guests are in the depths of the grave.  NIV

UPDATE/EXPLANATION:  This proverb contrasts lady wisdom (the verses prior to the ones used today) and the woman folly.  The writer uses an artistic device to personify character traits and make them come alive.  I can only quote a small portion each day and I rotate through them picking a couple verses out of the proverb that matches the date as there are 31 proverbs, so sometimes you may need to pick up your bible and read it in it’s context to get its message clearly.


Fall, Harvest or Thanksgiving Decorations for Crafting with Digital Clip Art by Audrey Jeanne Roberts

(UPDATE: Now available at the Daisie store for $5.98.  Just click on the picture to go to the store).  Well, after a good night’s sleep I’m feeling ready to tackle the crazy list of projects that need doing, but not before I show you a little bit of what’s coming in the next week or so.  I designed 3 crafting kits for decorating your home, office, school or other location for the holiday season coming ahead.

This first of three kits has a Thanksgiving card that can also be used as an invitation to a party or family get together and a Thank You note that also comes blank to create your own personal message.  I love to send "Thank You" notes around the holiday to the people who share my life telling them what I’m thankful for about them.  If you’ve never done it, you’d be amazed at what a little bit of time invested in thanking others can mean in their lives.

There is also a 3D magnet and a 3D tent style place card for dinners or special events.  Also, I’ve created two options for decorating candles and a circular mat to put under them.  Each of the three craft kits will work together to create a great environment that reminds us of our blessings and all that we have to be thankful for during this coming season of Harvest and Thanksgiving.

If you’ve been looking for a Halloween kit from me, I have to confess that I’ve just never been much of a Halloween fan (believe it or not, even as a child!)   I just don’t have much inspiration for that holiday so I’ll leave it to many of the other wonderful artists at DAISIE COMPANY!

I do, however,  love the Harvest/Thanksgiving season for what it stands for.  I have the same challenges that you have… family struggles at times, wondering how I can get more hours in my day, or how I can ensure my children will do well in life.  Yet I find that when I focus on what I have to be thankful for, the struggles seem to feel as though they shrink back to a manageable size.  I try to work hard, all year around, to convey my thankfulness to those I love, to those I’m privileged to work with and of course, most importantly to my incredible Heavenly Father. 

PRACTICE THANKFULNESS… that’s what it takes, practice and lots of it!  Listen to your mental thoughts.  Do you seem to see the downside of every situation, every possibility, every relationship? If so, your natural bent may be to see from that perspective, but it doesn’t have to be where you choose to focus in the future.  I grew up in an environment like this.  It will probably be very surprising to those of you who know me now, but in my early years I was a very negative person.  Virtually every conversation I was surrounded with growing up was a discussion about  the negative characteristics of people and situations around us.  

Until one day,  when I was talking on the phone with several friends and for the first time I heard myself, REALLY heard how negative I was — and hated what I heard.  I was complaining about this, critical about that, negative about every situation…. and on and on and on.  My friends weren’t negative and I felt how my communication was a drag on them.  They didn’t participate back with me, but just left my comments hanging in mid-air.  It made for a very one-sided conversation that finally made me realize I needed to change.

The Lord spoke to my heart that day.  He said that  I didn’t have to live the rest of my life in that place if I would let him change my heart.  It didn’t happen overnight… in fact it took years.  But when I asked Him to help me hear myself and see myself as I really was, so that I could see what I needed to change and then ask him to change me, He did.  So much so, that now my nickname in my family is "Pollyanna!"   In the process, this verse became a life verse for me.  It’s one that I read often and work hard to put into pracitice in every area of my life, I hope you will too!

THE SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY:  Phil 4:8-9  Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.  Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me-put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.  NIV

The “Creating a Special Christmas” Random Drawing Winner for the Week is….

The week's winnerA very lovely Christmas card created by "Shazbar."  As a prize, she will win her choice of my Victorian Christmas Gift Bag set or my Peony Cottage Giftbag set! 

Just so you know, no talent at all is required to win the weekly drawing (though it’s obvious that Shazbar has plenty of that!) All you have to do is create an item that is being given as a Christmas gift or could be given and make it using my digital art kits and upload it to THE DAISIE COMPANY gallery

I hope you’ll take a little time to browse through the contestant’s entries and leave them some encouragement.  Perhaps you’ll also pick up an idea or two along the way.

I’ll be sending out the prizes from the last week in just a few moments so if you’re one of the winners, look for an email from YouSendIt and your goodie will be there!

Today, I’ll be working on some overdue kits for Daisie… one will be in next month’s Club kit and 3 more will be Bingo prizes!  Then I’ve got to start working on my next set for the store… Whew!  It’s a good thing this is fun work because I sure have a lot of it.  Have a great weekend!

THE PROVERB OF THE DAY: Proverbs 22:9-11  A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor. Drive out the mocker, and out goes strife;
quarrels and insults are ended. He who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious will have the king for his friend.  NIV

Memory Trends Scrapbooking Show Afternoon Goodies

Okay, for you "Glitter Queens" I’ve got some scruptious finds for you today!  Uchida pens has a brand new glitter pen that lays down a wonderful amount of microglitter with the precision control of a pen.  It’s so fast and easy that those of you who do crafting and need speed will fall in LOVE with these pens.  They come in gold, silver and multi color sparkle.  I was assured that they have had no complaints of clogging (my FIRST question!)  My experience with glitter products in spray cans has been much less than satisfactory.  They do not know when these will be in stores, but look for them soon  You can find more information at  The best part is that these markers are usable on fabric if you heat set them first.  I forgot to ask the retail price on them, but I’m sure they’re very reasonably priced.

Then I ran into what appears to be a smaller company call "Sparkle N Sprinkle."  They had several products I think will be of specific interest to you crafters.  The first one that caught my eye was a Raised Glue that adds dimension and to which you can add glitter.  It takes a couple of hours to dry but then it remains fully dimensional to make highlighting areas in your designs very easy and fun.  Their website is

They also had a brushable glue that dries very quickly and you can add glitter very easily to your products and it really stays put.

They also carry some very beautiful and interesting glitters.  My favorite was their "Celestial" which was a bronze glitter that would go incredibly well with yesterday’s favorite pick "My Tattered Angels" glimmer sprays.  Some other favorite colors are "Sparkling Snow," a great multi color irridescent that would be a workhorse, appropriate for most any project.  Also and unusual color "Lavender Iris" which has a white base with cool lavendar and light aqua accents in the inrridescence (please forgive my spelling as I don’t have time to look the words up 🙂 )

Finally, this same company has cut acrylic shapes that would make outstanding magnets.  They were showing 2" square acrylic stamped on the reverse side, dipped in glitter glue on the edge and then mounted on a 3" metallic cardstock.  However, for the digital junkies among you, imagine printing out your digital image, mounting it behind the acrylic mount, trimmed out with the glitter of your choice and then mounted on a printed paper background to match with your text around the square… instant product for craft shows!   The acrylic shapes were priced at $4.50 for 12, 2" pieces at retail.  They do offer wholesale sales with proper I.D. and quantities.

I have had an incredibly productive day.  I have probably sketched out enoug product ideas for the next 6 months or more!!!!  Wishing you were here…. Have a great day!


Memory Trends Scrapbooking Show Wednesday Morning by Audrey Jeanne Roberts

One of the favorite things I saw this morning was by Doodlebug Designs.  They had a whole line called "Sugar Coated" which was pre-glittered chipboard letters, brads and other cool embellishments.  I love glitter, but if you’re creating a card or a gift in a hurry or you’re hand-applying the glitter it rubs off on absolutely everything.  Sometimes I find it worth spending a little extra to get professionally applied glittered objects so I don’t wear it as an accent for the next week! 

Doodlebug’s were in great color combinations, some were prepackaged for Halloween and Christmas in very trendy color ways and others were individual colors.  The overall theme of their display was in great contemporary pastel colors.  The Brads retail at $4.99 for a bunch and the chipboard letters were $6.99.  You can look them up on the web at

Also, Tim Holz has been here demonstrating a lot of goodies, one of my favorite items is his Distress Crackle Paint.  If you’ve ever had trouble getting the crackle to be just right or the paint to cover your item before it begins to crackle and then ruins the look you’re going for, his paint has the crackle mixed in and it simply begins to crack as it dries.  Easy enough for anyone to do a great job with!  You can find out about his products at

I have pages and pages and pages of sketches done and ready to attack when I get home.  It’s so amazing what happens at a show like this.  I’ll walk by a booth, see a tiny item that triggers a thought not even remotely related to what I just saw and then I’m off to sketch!!!  Not sure exactly how this brain of mine is wired, but it works in mysterious ways.  Well… back down the aisles I go!



Memory Trends Scrapbook Show Next Week by Audrey Jeanne Roberts

My scraponizerNext Sunday I leave for Las Vegas, NV to attend the "Memory Trends" show.  This show is specifically for Scrapbooking and related crafts.  I’m getting excited to see what’s new in the industry, make some new contacts and probably purchase a new wide-format laser printer if I find a good deal.

I will pick up information on new products and goodies and share it with you as a lot of the companies that are showing will be debuting new lines.  I should be able to blog from my hotel room at Harrah’s (I’m assuming they have wireless available as I didn’t book the room).  Unfortunately, my laptop isn’t set up to handle my digital camera so I won’t be able to post any pictures until I get home, but I’ll do my best to take you along with me!

I am assisting a friend who is teaching a class on organizing scrapping supplies with a new product that I received a sample of yesterday.  It’s called the "Scraponizer," (  The picture is of my decorated set (they don’t come quite so pretty!)  It’s a wonderful set of 4 see through plastic shallow storage compartments that store securely on a shelf and pull down for use.  One is divided in 2 secure compartments, one has 4, one has 6 and one has 8 compartments.  Each compartment won’t leak into the others because of the way it is constructed. 

 My clean desk!I decorated my boxes yesterday to bring to the show, it was fun to get to take a break from designing for others and play around with organizing my own supplies to go with my newly partially organized studio space!  Fun, fun, fun!

Working on my computer desk yesterday was a joy.  When I cleaned I took time to ask myself these questions and make changes accordingly:

  1. What isn’t working on this desk and why?
  2. What is being stored here that really shouldn’t be and where should I move it?
  3. How can I get more clear desk top space for working?

One of the most innovative things I did to create space was place my oversized printer on top of a formica paper storage unit (strong enough to hold the weight).  It is still very accesible, but now doesn’t make me feel crowded and closed in.  I had tended to use the paper print out tray as a storage space which probably isn’t very good for it and certainly isn’t very efficient!  Now I have paper storage for the various papers I use, as well as storage for art to be scanned.  To its left out of camera range, is a vertical file stacker for current projects to be stored in folders instead of layers on the desk. 

Still to be done is the oversized paper mess on the second shelf of my bookcase unit.  I need to build a paper storage unit like the letter size so that the varieties of papers I use can be separated not just piled.  That however, is a project for another day!

Tomorrow I’ll have a preview of my newest Christmas kit that will be coming out next week  "Windows on Christmas"  Come back by for a peek!  Also, the Blog contest is ending on Saturday!  So post away on the comments.

THE SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY: Rom 12:17-19  Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. NIV

Cook Book Interiors by Brownlow and Audrey Jeanne Roberts

I wanted to show you samples of what the interiors of these cookbooks  look like and let you know that if you win one of the categories of the "Audrey Jeanne’s Creating a Special Christmas Contest" at THE DAISIE COMPANY, you will win your choice of one of the four cookbooks!

The interior has 98 pages all contained in clear plastic sleeves so that messy fingers won’t damage the recipe cards.

The 24 matching blank recipe cards are beatifully printed on extremely heavy card stock. 

If you use these as gifts for Christmas or a new bride, you might want to include some of your special heirloom recipes written onto the blank cards to give the new bride or special friend a head start on building her collection!

The contest at Daisie Company will run through October 31st and covers 3 categories, crafting, scrapbooking and cardmaking.  There will be three winners in each category and for the beginning crafter, just entering your creations gives you an opportunity to win one of each week’s random drawing prizes! 

The goal is to get all of us a jump start to crafting our Christmas gifts early so we’re not pulling our hair out the week before Christmas!!!!

Don’t be surprised if you post one of your creations and I lift your picture to post it here on my blog .  I want to show you off to all of my friends!

SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY:  Rom 5:1-5  Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.  Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;  perseverance, character; and character, hope.  And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.   NIV


Making Your Own Gift Bags is Easy!!! Digital Gift Bag Crafting Kit by Audrey Jeanne Roberts

(UPDATE:  This kit is now available for $5.98 at Daisie.  Just click on the first picture to go to the store.)  gift bag set preview Peony Cottage Quilt DesignI have at least one new set of gift bags coming out next week at DAISIE COMPANY and perhaps a second one as well if I can finish it in time!  For those of you that have been commenting on the artwork I used to set up this blog, they are made out of that art.

Gift bags are so convenient and pretty to decorate a gift with little or no effort, but they can be quite costly to buy.  Priced at only $5.98 for the entire set, these digital craft kits cost just slightly more than a single store bought bag and you can make them year-after-year for all sorts of birthday, shower or other special occasions!

Peony Cottage Quilt Gift Bag & Tags Preview 2This Peony Cottage Quilt Gift Bag and Tag set contains several gift tags, a mini-gift card with matching envelope and a three dimensional quilted flower to decorate the bag or to use on a table, string together to make a garland to decorate for a shower or birthday party!

The only thing you need to be able to do is cut and crease to make up this kit.  Step-by-step photo instructions are included and once you’ve made one, they’re very fast to put together.  There are three sizes of gift bags included, one that you print out on a letter-sized sheet of paper (4 pages for each bag), a second that you can print out on legal-sized paper (most all normal sized pinters can print legal sized as well) and a third set that can be printed out on oversized printers if you own one.

Remember that there are two more days in the Blog contest!  I will give away a set of these bags to the person who is selected as the winner.  All you have to do is post a comment from the 16th of August through the end of the month and one commentor will be selected as the winner.  GOOD LUCK!!!

THE PROVERB OF THE DAY:  Prov 29:8-10 Mockers stir up a city,
but wise men turn away anger. If a wise man goes to court with a fool,
the fool rages and scoffs, and there is no peace. Bloodthirsty men hate a man of integrity and seek to kill the upright.  NIV