Category Archives: New Releases

Girls Rule in School, Digital Clip Art Kit by Audrey Jeanne Roberts

Preview Girls Rule in School

UPDATE: NOW AVAILABLE CLICK ON EITHER PICTURE AND A LINK WILL POP UP AND TAKE YOU TO THE STORE.  Girls Rule in School (and life!!!) but don’t tell the boys!  This kit is the feminine version of the School Daze kit and is all in pinks and purples for the girliest girls.  Most items are offered in each color so that you can mix and match freely.

There are a  bunch of tags to journal the events, thoughts or memories of your daughter, granddaughter, niece or other special little girl’s school days.

Everything works really well together to make scrapbooking the highlights of last year’s school year (or the years before) really easy.  Or perhaps you’ll get a jump on this school year by laying out the pages and THEN taking the pictures to fill them.  It’s amazingly easy to do pages that way and sometimes more fun to create the memories rather than try to make something memorable out of the pictures you happen to have on hand.

Preview Girls Rule

There are quite a few text and title art pieces to go with the tags and give an emotional punch to your page. 

This kit will be out next week at THE DAISIE COMPANY STORE.  There’s also a third school kit called "An Apple for my Teacher" and I’ll give you some previews on it probably over the weekend so stay tuned!

THE PROVERB OF THE DAY: Prov 26:9-11 A proverb in a fool’s mouth is as dangerous as a thornbush brandished by a drunkard.  An employer who hires a fool or a bystander is like an archer who shoots recklessly. As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly. NEW LIVING TRANSLATION

School Daze 1 Coming Soon, Digital Clip Art Kit by Audrey Jeanne Roberts

I am taking a short break from Christmas to work on some Back to School art.

School Daze 1 preview

UPDATE:  THIS KIT IS NOW IN THE STORE.  THE PICTURE IS A CLICKABLE LINK TO TAKE YOU THERE.  This first kit is "School Daze 1" and is in blues and yellows.  This kit will work for boys or girls like mine that love blue and yellow (or that’s their school colors).  I am also working on a companion kit, "Girls Rule in School" that is in pinks and purples.  Both of these kits will be in the DAISIE COMPANY store next week.

I have a ton of quick pages made up with this and other school pages that I’m trying to figure out what I want to do with.  I might do a mini album out of them just for fun.  If you have any suggestions for me, be sure to post in the comments section.  I read every one of them and if you ask a question or I want to comment in return I put my comments in paranthesis on your comment so everyone else can also see the comments.  

Remember!  The end of the month is coming soon and the blog contest prize is a free crafting kit to make your own Christmas Gift Bags and Tags!  So, to win, just post a comment on any and all posts from the 16th of the month through the 31st.  On August 1st I’ll be selecting the winner.

THE PROVERB OF THE DAY:  Prov 25:7-10  Just because you see something,  don’t be in a hurry to go to court. You might go down before your neighbors in shameful defeat.  So discuss the matter with them privately. Don’t tell anyone else,  or others may accuse you of gossip. Then you will never regain your good reputation.  NLT

My husband is on the road for a while and he took his The Message Bible (that I steal from him every morning, so I’ll bounce around with several other good reading translations!)  I want to thank the people at PC Study Bible.  Four years ago, they gave me their top level product to use because I am an author and it is MAGNIFICENT!!!!  I absolutely love having it on my computer with all of its resources, commentaries and different translations.  I used to wrestle with my giant Strong’s concordance to try to find a scripture and then have to hand write the reference or copy the verse.  Their wonderful gift has been a blessing to me in so many ways.  You can find information on this product at

Audrey Jeanne Roberts

Digital Clip Art Christmas Papers by Audrey Jeanne Roberts

Here is the newest paper pack that I will be releasing this coming week at THE DAISIE COMPANY. 

Preview Holly Berry Christmas 1 Paper Pack

It’s designed to coordinate with the Holly Berry Christmas Art Kits 1 & 2 and has 14 papers in it.  Several of the papers come in 3 color ways to allow you to easily coordinate in your crafting creations.  For example, a box bottom might be in the wonderful green star ornaments paper with the box top in the red version and then ornaments placed over the green paper on the bottom of the box wrapping all the way around it.  (Hmmmm…. I’m giving myself ideas!!!_

Have Fun!  Remember that I am giving away two blog contest prizes this month, the prize for the second half is my Victorian Christmas Gift Bags that you can see featured several posts below this one.  All you have to do to win is post a comment on any (or all) the posts from the 16th of July through the 31st of July. 

THE PROVERB OF THE DAY:  Proverbs 22:3-5
"A prudent person foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences. True humility and fear of the LORD lead to riches, honor, and long life. The deceitful walk a thorny, treacherous road; whoever values life will stay away. "
The New Living Translation

Audrey Jeanne Roberts

New Digital Christmas Clip Art Coming Next Week by Audrey Jeanne Roberts

Did you hear?!  THE DAISIE COMPANY is having a Christmas Crafting Competitition where you can win DAISIE DOLLARS to spend in the store!  I’m really looking forward to seeing your wonderful creations.  Here’s the link 

Preview Holly Berry Christmas 2 Kit

My next kits are also Christmas themed and are coming out next week.  Here’s the preview of the first, Holly Berry Christmas 2 which is filled with more traditional red and green Christmas goodies.  This one has some very fun ornaments and some "ornament hangers" that allow you to mix and match and dangle your ornaments on a page off of a ribbon or? 

There are also a couple of ornaments that you can add a picture to to focus on your children, grandchildren or pets in a layout.  There are some papers in the kit, but I am also releasing a complete Holly Berry Christmas Paper Pack kit this week.

Preview #2 Holly Berry Christmas 2 KitMost of the ornaments have all been hand  watercolored and then digitally enhanced to make them sparkle with Christmas cheer and a little glitter and glam!  The borders are cheerful and bright.  It makes me long for Christmas to come!  Of course in reality, I’m almost in panic mode because Christmas is right around the corner!!!!!

Tomorrow I’ll show you more and the paper pack previews, so stay tuned!  Normally I would have my Proverb for the Day here, but I have to run out the door to our Women’s Ministry Breakfast, so I’ll put it up later today when I get home.  Have a great Summer Weekend!

Audrey Jeanne Roberts


Digital Clip Art & Crafting Christmas Gift Bags, Cards and Tags Kit Coming Next Week, by Audrey Jeanne Roberts

Those of you that have read my blog for a while, will remember that I was working on a large sized gift bag set that could be printed out on ledger-sized paper (11" x 17") for those of you that have over-size printers.  It took quite a bit of work to reinforce the bag handles so that they wouldn’t tear, but I finally finished the templates this week and then created this Victorian Classic Christmas set that will be coming out next week.

Preview Christmas giftbags

I don’t know about you, but having gift bags around the house makes gift wrapping so much easier and less overwhelming for me!  I can especially never have enough gift bags at Christmas time… so I really designed these for myself (and you get to tag along!)

UPDATE:  Several of the comments have mentioned that you don’t have a ledger-sized printer.  One nice thing about my including all of the sizes is that IF you do eventually purchase a larger sized printer, you will already own the files to use it.  It’s amazing how fast you can discover the need for the larger sized capability once you have it!  Also the paper I used for this printing can be ordered on line for those of you in the USA, It came from Kelly Paper and is called "Mohawk Color Copy Gloss"  Kelly paper’s website is

I printed mine out on a heavy weight gloss, brochure paper and reinforced the handles with white card stock. Brochure paper gives them that beautiful sheen and brighter color of store-bought bags.  You could also print them on card stock or the heaviest weight of paper that you can find.

The kit will make three size of bags, the large size as described on the preview image, a medium sized bag (10" x 6" x 4") that prints on legal sized paper and a smaller ( 8" x 5" x 3 1/2" ) sized bag that prints on letter size paper.  Four sheets of paper are required per bag.

Preview gift cards and tags

The kit also includes a pair of small gift  cards and 6 gift tags.  The image from the front of the bag is included with and without the bow.   I would encourage those of you that purchase the kit to make these in advance and store them away for Christmas and it will make your holiday that much more pleasant and less rushed.  You can carefully fold them up after assembling them to store them more easily.

The DAISIE COMPANY’S "Christmas in July" sale will go through the end of the month and all of my Christmas kits (even these new ones) are included.  For less than the price of 2 gift bags purchased at the store, you can make these for the rest of your life!

THE PROVERB OF THE DAY:  Proverbs 18:4-6  "Many words rush along like rivers in flood, but deep wisdom flows up from artesian springs.  It’s not right to go easy on teh guilty, or come down hard on the innocent.  The words of a fool start fights; do him a favor and gag him."  The Message Bible   

Audrey Jeanne Roberts

The Winner of the Free Digital Clip Art Kit is….by Audrey Jeanne Roberts

Contest Prize

UPDATE: THIS KIT IS NOW AVAILABLE IN THE DAISIE COMPANY STORE.  THE IMAGE IS A CLICKABLE LINK TO ITS LOCATION.  This month I’m having two drawings for a free digital clip art kit, one happened this morning and the second will be for people posting comments from today (the 16th of July) through the end of the month. 

We picked the winner this morning and she will receive the Purple Pleasures Quick Pages duo set shown here.

THE WINNER IS SNOWCLOUD (SUE), congratulations Sue!!  I’ll be sending your prize out to you shortly.

Unfortunately this will have to be a short post today as I go down the mountain for an eye appointment and to run some errands,  Have a great day!!!!

THE PROVERB OF THE DAY:  Proverbs 16:1-4  "Mortals make elaborate plans, but God has the last word.  Humans are satisfied with whatever looks good; God probes for what is good.  Put God in charge of your work, then what you’ve planned will take place.  God made everything with a place and purpose, even the wicked are included — but for judgement."  The Message Bible


I’m Ready For Some Snow, Jingle Bells and Sleighs! Digital Christmas Clip Art Kit Preview by Audrey Jeanne Roberts

Well… maybe not… at least until the next 100 plus degree day hits!!!  

Christmas Digital Clip Art

UPDATE: THIS KIT IS NOW AVAILABLE IN THE DAISIE COMPANY STORE.  THE PICTURE IS A CLICKABLE LINK.  IT’S ALSO ON SALE THROUGH THE 30TH AT 25% OFF SO GET IT WHILE IT’S HOT!!!  It is so strange to be working on Christmas in the middle of July, but that’s my normal procedure as when you develop product for licensing you are working 6-12 months out or more.  So turn on the "Jingle Bells" and "Silent Night" and let’s get in the mood for Christmas.

This collection is called "Holly Berry Christmas" and features everything holly.  It’s based on the Classic Christmas colors and theme and will easily coordinate with almost any Christmas art you already own to make lots of beautiful new crafts and projects.

I’m not exactly certain when it will make its debut, but soon!

Audrey Jeanne Roberts

More Purple Pleasures Previews by Audrey Jeanne Roberts

UPDATE:  THIS KIT IS NOW AVAILABLE IN THE DAISIE COMPANY STORE.  THE IMAGES ARE CLICKABLE LINKS TO THE STORE IF YOU WISH TO GO SEE THEM.  Preview Purple Pleasures Digital Clip ArtHere are a couple new views on the kit I’ll be releasing this week called "Purple Pleasures.  It was created for the people who have told me that purple is their FAVORITE color (which are quite a few of you!)

Often when painting in watercolors it can be difficult to capture the deep velvety hues of purple pansies, but I think that these really pop. 

As you saw in the post before this one, this kit can work beautifully for weddings, bridal showers, greeting cards, and other Spring or Summer crafts.

Purple Pleausres Papers and Borders

There are some very intricate borders included in this kit .

Featuring pink roses and hydrangea as well as purple pansies, the first border will coordinate with a wide range of colors and projects.  Also there is a fun spring gardeningborder with green checks that coordinates well with the text art piece.  Great for making a greeting card or?

I’ve been asked what I’m working on lately, so I’ll update you on a couple of things.  I am completeing my manuscript for my Mother’s Day book that I will be turning in to my publisher this week.  The coordinating art is from one of my personal favorite collections and it will be bright, cheerful and fun for spring.  When we get closer to the publication date, I’ll let you know its title and subject.  I’ll carry copies here so you will be able to order it directly from me or find it in most Christian Bookstores.  In the meantime, please pray for me to communicate everything the Lord desires within its pages.

For those of you aware of my Target presentation project, the "powers-that-be-at-Target" totally changed their direction after they had given it out and refined it all the way up through their second round of submissions.  That’s just the way these things go, which is why you don’t get too excited until the product is actually in the store… licensing is definitely not for sissies!!  However, I have several new collections that I wouldn’t have had without working on their project and several manufacturers to show them to, so perhaps they’ll see the light of day after all. 

What ever you work on, if you work on it "as unto the Lord," for His pleasure and purpose and not to please man, you will find greater joy in it.  When I work on my art, I think of it as "Refrigerator Art" for my heavenly Father’s refrigerator.  I’m just His little kid and I love bringing Him pleasure.  When I work for Him, I never lose!  Here’s a post that explains this principle more fully  Life is less disappointing when I remember that my Heavenly Father is in control and can be trusted fully!  Have a great day doing whatever your hands find to do as unto the Lord.

THE PROVERB OF THE DAY:  Proverbs 11:1-4  "God hates cheating in the marketplace; he loves it when business is aboveboard.  The stuck-up fall flat on their faces, but down-to-earth people stand firm.  The integrity of the honest keeps them on track; the deviousness of crooks brings them to ruin.  A thick bankroll is no help when life falls apart, but a principled life can stand up to the worst."  The Message Bible

Audrey Jeanne Roberts

Free Digital Clip Art Contest Prize Preview, Purple Pleasures Scrapbook Quick Pages Templates. By Audrey Jeanne Roberts

UPDATE:  THIS KIT IS NOW AVAILABLE AT THE DAISIE COMPANY.  THE PICTURE IS A CLICKABLE LINK TO THE KIT.  I have just finished uploading my next two kits to DAISIE COMPANY and they will be out soon.  This set of quick scrapbook pages that are premade for you to just drop your photographs behind, size and print will be the prize for one lucky winner.  We’ll draw the winner on the 16th so post your comments between the 1st and the 15th.

I’ve shown it used as a Bridal Shower invitation to give you an idea of what other things you can do with a kit like this besides straight scrapbooking.  If you made this a folding card, you could do the invitation in layers.  You would need to buy the "Purple Pleasures 1" art kit to create your interior and have the opening cut out to reveal it.  Then you could make the tag and one pansy dimensonal.  Think how special that would be!

Well… the next thing I have to attend to is "Christmas in July" which will be a special event at DAISIE COMPANY starting July 14th or 15th (I can’t remember for sure, so please don’t quote me!!!!)

THE PROVERB OF THE DAY:  Proverbs 9:10-12 "Skilled living gets its start in the Fear-of-God, insight into life from knowing a Holy God.  It’s through me, Lady Wisdom, that your life deepens, and the years of your life ripen.  Live wisely and wisdom will permeate your life, mock life and life will mock you."  The Message Bible

Audrey Jeanne Roberts

Look What I Found on my Hard Drive!

UPDATE:  THIS KIT IS NOW IN THE DAISIE COMPANY STORE, JUST CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO GO THERE.  One of the strange things that happens when you have almost 700 GB of art is that you find things you forgot you even had!  I was burning a hard drive copy for my Cottage Collections this week and stumbled on a kit that I started assembling in February or March and totally forgot about .  Some the dear purple loving ladies that read my blog are going to be in heaven over this one!  I also found a huge stash of art that has been removed from my hard drive that I’m going to go through for new ideas out of older art.

Preview of Purple Pleasures Digital Clip ArtI’ll have to finish pulling it together so it’s possible I might have it up for Friday, but I thought a weekend sneak preview would be fun.

If there’s anything in particular you’d  like me to look and see if I have in my art stash that’s purple leave a comment.  I read every one.  Also, if you ask me a question, be sure to look at your comment later, because I like to answer on the comments so everyone reading can see the answer assuming it’s not personal in nature.

Remember, one more week in the first half FREE DIGITAL CLIP ART BLOG CONTEST.  Each comment you leave is an entry in the contest for you.  Have a super, wonderful, great weekend!

Audrey Jeanne Roberts

Digital Clip Art Kit, “Totally Tulips 1″ Coming Tomorrow, by Audrey Jeanne Roberts

UPDATE: THESE KITS HAVE BEEN LOADED INTO THE STORE AND THE PICTURES ARE NOW CLICKABLE LINKS.  I finished the first of at least two "Totally Tulips" kits and it will be in the DAISIE store tomorrow.  Here’s the sneak preview

This is a very soft and feminine kit that would be great for weddings, anniversaries, little girl scrapbooking, tea party invitations and more.

The colors are mostly pinks, but it also includes some peachy tones, I hope that you’ll enjoy how easily all the patterns and pieces work together.

The papers included are softly textured and patterned some with swirls.

There’s a little "bling" with jewels and jeweled hearts and borders. and one of my favorite creations, a crumpled, wired ribbon and bow in deep rose with the matching tulip art that looks totally three dimensional.  Most of the borders are in 14-15" pieces that you can use diagonally across the page or reduce in size and still cover the entire 12" page of a scrapbook.

The tulips used to form the borders and frames are also included as larger single pieces so you can create your own coordinating frames, borders or?

This kit would make beautiful wedding cards, invitations or so many girly frilly things, I hope you’ll enjoy it!

THE PROVERB OF THE DAY:  Proverbs 5:9-14  "You don’t want to squander your wonderful life, to waste your life your precious life among the hardhearted.  Why shold you allow strangers to take advantage of you?  Why be exploited by those who care nothing for you?  You don’t want to end your life full of regrets, nothing but sin and bones.  Saying, "Oh, why didn’t I do what they told me?  Why did I reject a disciplined life?  Why didn’t I listen to my mentors, or take my teachers seriously?  My life is ruined!  I haven’t one blessed thing to show for my life!"

Audrey Jeanne Roberts

“Totally Tulips” Collection in the Works, Digital Clip Art Kit by Audrey Jeanne Roberts

A quick reminder… today is the last day to post your entries for the Blog Free Digital Art Contest!  Just put a comment on any day of this month and tomorrow we’ll select a winner!

I’ll be leaving the Tropics and poolside for a moment to attend to a promise I made earlier in the year… to do a kit with Tulips!  I didn’t forget you, I’ve been working a little at a time in between the other kits until I finally have enough to send it on to Daisie soon! 

Totally Tulips Kit PreviewOnce this kit is in, I’ll be focusing on painting new art for my agent and creating some work for a few manufacturers that are interested in me since the NY Licensing Show and the NY Surtex show.  It will be a bit of a busy season for me in the other areas of my life, so I won’t have quite as many kits up as my pace has been , be patient with me!

The proverb of the day is a long one because it’s all related, I love how this reads in this version especially.  It sort of sounds like the news reporters of our day!

THE PROVERB OF THE DAY:  Proverbs 30: 1-6  "The skeptic swore, "There is no God!  No God! — I can do anything I want!  I’m more animal than human; so-called human intelligence escapes me.  "I flunked ‘wisdom.’  I see no evidence of a holy God.  Has anyone ever seen anyone climb into Heaven and take charge?  grab the winds and control them?  gather the rains in his bucket?  stake out the ends of the earth?  Just tell me his name, tell me the names of his sons.  Come on now — tell me!"

The believer replied, "Every promise of God proves true; he protects everyone who runs to him for help.  So don’t second-guess him; he might take you to task and show up your lies."

Have a great weekend!

Audrey Jeanne Roberts

I Lied… One More Sneak Preview! Fourth of July Clip Art, Flags, Stars ‘n Stripes ‘n More! by Audrey Jeanne Roberts


I found some art that I had forgotten that I had created (that happens frequently when you have 700GB of art on your computer!)  I hadn’t been sure that I could pull off getting it in on time for release this Friday, so I didn’t say anything about it.  Betcha didn’t believe that I could keep a secret so well did you?!  So I’m doing a last minute sneak peek!

Patriotic Clip Art for the Fourth of July I’ve shown the tiniest portion of this set, it’s a smaller set, but it has 3 different types of bunting, star borders, stripes borders, striped papers, frames, a text piece suitable for framing and a bookmark.  Bright, colorful and patriotic (for those of you in the United States) this set can be used to create invitations to a BBQ, make annoucements for your community’s parade, to create military salute pages or greeting cards for projects such as our recent Cards for the injured troops at Daisie Company. 

Hope your plans for the Fourth of July this year include taking lots of wonderful family photos and if you do, be sure to scrap them for your family!

PS  There’s a special coupon that will be good at DAISIE COMPANY through July 14th, make sure you enter the coupon code when prompted!  The coupon is a clickable link to the DAISIE COMPANY STORE.  It will take you to the new releases section of the store, where this kit and all of the tropical and summer kits featured this week will be available tomorrow. 

UPDATE: PLEASE USE COUPON CODE summer-day2, the first code was not working properly for some reason.  Sorry for the inconvenience!


Audrey Jeanne Roberts

Coming Tomorrow! Additional Previews of Tropical Clip Art Kit. Free clip art contest ends in 3 days!!! by Audrey Jeanne Roberts

There’s three more days left to enter in the Free Clip Art Contest.  Just read back through this month’s posts and leave comments.  The way it works is that we draw the # of a day and then look to see how many posts there were that day as sometimes I post more than once a day.  Then we draw the # of the post and the # of the comments, so those that read and post each day have a much higher chance of being selected (or go back and comment throughout the month if you’re late to the process )  The winner gets their choice of the two Tropical Breeze Scrapbook Quick Pages Kits shown earlier in the month.

Here’s the additional product shots for Tropical Breeze 2 and there’s a preview of a set of Premade scrapbook pages for Summer Fun 1 that also will be coming out tomorrow.tropical clip art previews, palm trees

It took an insane amount of time, but I carefully clipped out each and every palm tree or palm cluster from 4 different paintings so that they are incredibly useful.and flexible for your layouts..

There are also a couple of wide borders with torn edges and a wavy stitched border. preview tropical beach clip art cloudy skies

This cloudy blue sky can be used for a lot more than beachy crafts.  It was createded painstakingly from 3 different paintings. it has a similar purely beach and waves paper that I haven’t shown. 

The Summer Fun kit makes great summer scrapbook pages.  If you have pool shots, days at a waterpark, photos of your kids running through the sprinklers or any watery fun to document these pages are great for them.

scrapbook pages premade templatesDon’t forget to take lots of pictures as you enjoy your summer and think about what you want to scrap BEFORE you go play.  It can make things so much easier than trying to figure out what you want to do with the photos afterwards.  When you plan the shots that you would like to have you get much better results and avoid the "Oh no, I didn’t take a picture of….!"

Audrey Jeanne Roberts

THE PROVERB FOR THE DAY:  Proverbs 28: 1-2 "The wicked are edgy with guilt, ready to run off even when no one’s after them; Honest people are relaxed and confident, bold as lions.  When the country is in chaos, everybody has a plan to fix it — But it takes a leader of real understanding to straighten things out."  The Message

Dealing With Change & More Digital Clip Art Previews, Tropical, Beach, Summer by Audrey Jeanne Roberts

Change… it should be spelled with four letters because most of us consider it a "four letter word" if you get my drift!  Change is stressful.  Change is challenging and unsettling and yet it’s the only consistent thing about life!  The only absolutely predictable thing we have in life is that it will change.

Do you handle change well?  Do you dread it or look forward to it with excitement and anticipation?  I remember watching a special on one of the three networks some years ago, where a study had been done and in-depth interviews had been conducted with a fairly large sampling of people who were over 100 years of age.  They were looking for a clue to help others live longer in the common emotional or personality characteristics that would be found in this group.

The #1 characteristic was adaptability to change and its counterpart, being able to deal effectively with loss.  When interviewed, each related that they had to be flexible and decide to keep on enjoying life after they experienced losses.  They stressed that if you live to be 100 you will have lost virtually everyone you have known and loved and will be left with a younger generation that you might not know very well.  Forming new relationships was key.  It was intriguing to think about.

How can you deal more effectively with change?  Here’s some of my coping mechanisms and I’d like to encourage readers to contribute your own in the comments section.  To post a comment, click on the "comments" link below and it will lead you through the process.

  1. Expect change.  Sounds simple, but we are constantly surprised that change occurs!   Expecting that things can change at any time can help you establish an emotional equilibrium that is stable even when your world is shaking a bit.
  2. Be Thankful.  Live in a constant state of gratefulness for whatever it is that you enjoy in your life, whether it’s a wonderful home, a good marriage, great kids, a job you love.  Enjoy it every single day so that if any one of those blessings are lost or must change, you have never taken them for granted.
  3. Be flexible.  I’ve noticed that rigid people are often shattered by change.  Those who are too set in their ways or unable to adapt often never recover or take a very long time to do so.  Flexible people are those who are able to bend and move to fit the situation.  They can adjust their expectations more quickly and find a "new normal" an begin the process of becoming comfortable with the results of change.
  4. Think positively.  Often our minds immediately decide that the proposed change will have negative impact on our lives.  Instead of going immediately to what you may have lost because of the change, think about what might be gained.  For example:  You have a home you love with neighbors that you are close to and your husband has just been relocated by his company.  If you dwell on what you are "losing" you won’t be open to the potential blessings that you may just be "gaining."  The move is inevitable, but only you can choose whether you will be happy making it or not.  Even the worst events in life can ultimately become a blessing in the long run because of God’s unbelievable ability to bring good out of evil. 
  5. God is in control.  When our world changes we feel out of control.  If we realize that God isn’t surprised by the changes even if we are, it helps us to quiet our hearts and rest in the knowledge that He is in control and more importantly loves us passionately and desires the best for our lives.

When I came home from a relaxing weekend camping, I never expected that our dear Miss Stacey would be leaving THE DAISIE COMPANY because of health reasons.  I didn’t want her to go (as many of you have also indicated!) but I know it’s the right decision for her and her family.  I also know that when anyone who is as key to a company as Stacey is leaves, change is inevitable!  Preparing ourselves to be flexible and patient while those changes occur will help us to not only survive the changes, but come out on the other side of them with an excitement of what can be rather than a hopeless longing for what once was. 

UPDATE, THIS KIT IS NOW AVAILABLE JUST CLICK ON EITHER PICTURE AND IT WILL TAKE YOU TO THE STORE.  On a lighter note, here’s a couple more previews of the kits coming out on Friday:Summer Clip Art, pool, beach, or lakeside fun

This Summer Fun kit has 56 pcs.  and is complete with lots of complimentary papers,  frames, borders, charms and art pieces.  Perfect for summer crafts, scrapbooking, and even for tweener type projects.  I hope you’ll enjoy playing with it!

The final preview for Summer Fun shows the flip flops with and without a decorative ornament (so they can be used for boy or girl layouts).  Each flip flop is entirely separate so you can control their placement.

Summer Fun 1 Beach, pool or lakeside clip art kit previewI’m looking forward to seeing what you create with this kit!  Please be sure to post in the general message board if you post a project to the DAISIE COMPANY gallery as I simply don’t have time to peruse the galleries very often and I don’t want to miss your creative "masterpiece!"

THE PROVERB FOR THE DAY:  Proverbs 27:1-2 "Don’t brashly announce what you’re going to do tomorrow; you don’t know the first thing about tomorrow.  Don’t call attention to yourself; let others do that for you."  The Message.

Audrey Jeanne Roberts