My “Walking With God in the Garden of Your Heart” Book is Available

 on Ebay today.  It was written 4 or 5 years ago and is out of print, I received this note today from a lady who has one for auction if anyone is interested 🙂  Here’s her information:

"I am currently selling Walking With God in the Garden of My Heart (New) on eBay. Starting bid is 99 cents. No lookers at this point. Thought I’d share that with you as I see you mentioned you gave away your last copy. I appreciated your comments on the book. You can find it under the book’s title if you are interested.

Walking With God In The Garden Of My Heart, A. Roberts
Item number: 22016819295
Seller: Carolina Waterway

Peggy Brooks"

Since I am not acquainted with her, use your Ebay skills to determine her rating as a seller and I hope my book finds a good home!

I have had my head down painting all day, so I haven’t had a chance to write or show off anything, sorry!  However, I’ve had a great day painting.  Wish I could tell you what and show you all but I can’t 🙁  I will be gone over the weekend so I’ll try to post some pics and previews tomorrow to hold you over for the weekend.  I get to go see my honey in Big Bear. 

6 thoughts on “My “Walking With God in the Garden of Your Heart” Book is Available”

  1. You are full of surprises!! You’re an author as well as a talented artist! Thanks for sharing this. I searched for it on eBay, but it may have ended already.

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