Blog Contest Freebie Winner is… and Additional Previews of Build Your Own Snowman Digital Clip Art Kit

First things first… the winner is…. the 5th comment on the 25th day of the month (so you’ll have to go peek to find out!)  LOL!  Congratulations to the winner, she wins my new bow top gift box set, "Warm Your Heart Gift Set 1"  It should be in the store tomorrow!

Here are the final additional previews of the "Build Your Own Snowman" kit.  I added 20 pieces since yesterday as I worked with the pieces to make certain that they work easily and effectively together I realized I needed some more goodies, that brought the size to a 69 piece set!!! 

I added the victorian cape, hat, mitten and scarf set and decided that it would be easiest for you guys to work with if I separated the heads from the bodies for two reasons, first you can create just heads to use on stickers and other smaller uses items and secondly, it’s much easier to add elements at the neck when your head is separated from the body, you can tuck the scarf behind the head the way it actually happens in life.

Back to work on projects for my other "day job," I’m creating mock up product designs to update my portfolio, yesterday I created a bedding set that my daughter desperately wants for her room, must find a mfg. to make it or there will be no living with her!!!

THE SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY:  2 Cor 2:14-16  But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.  NIV

COMMENT: I thought I would pick some scriptures regarding giving thanks as we move into November.  This scripture basically is the image of a parade, a victory celebration of a victorious army with Christ at our head as leader.  God leads us in a victorious life (remember this though… true victory means a battle occurred, you overcome struggles and difficulties 🙂 )  The second image is of the incredible aroma of a feast (like a Thanksgiving dinner) that just makes your mouth water and your tummy rumble.  The Lord wants his life to be so real in our lives that just our presence makes people hungry to know more about Him.  An aroma is a silent testimony in a way… it fills the air because of your presence and Christ’s presence in you.   "Lord, please make my life a silent witness of the joy of living in Christ Jesus and help those who are hungry for change follow that fragrance right to you!"

11 thoughts on “Blog Contest Freebie Winner is… and Additional Previews of Build Your Own Snowman Digital Clip Art Kit”

  1. I just had to tell you, Audrey, Hannah saw this, and asked if you made it for her. It must be nice to think the world revolves around you. LOL! I told her you did. I’ve never known a kid who loved paper dolls more than Hannah buggie. Thank you for these!

  2. Congrats to the winner! And I love your snowman/woman clothes…..think you can find a mfg. to make those? 🙂

  3. I’m sort of with Cheryl on the Snowmen. I love them but we don’t get much snow in Alabama but I can use them on greeting cards.

  4. Ahhh, this set makes me wish we got more snow here. I had to chuckel at the animial heads though. LOVE THEM! We did have on year a while back there was a fluke store on Valanetines day. The kids gathered up all the snow on our street and made a snowman and snow dog! Seeing you snowheads reminded me of that:)
    Have a great day!

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