Winner of Last Month’s Blog Contest and a Brand New Contest!!!

Last month's winner was drawn this morning and is our own, "Miss Lambie!"  Lambie wins a complete set of the Blue Hydrangea's Alphabet (or if she's already purchased it, any of my other alphabets soon to come out.  Thanks Miss Lambie for your referrals!

This month's blog contest will be expanded!  Anyone who writes a comment on any post over the course of the month will be eligible (one for each comment) as well as anyone who tells others about my blog site such as a friend, family member, links to their website or blog or tells a group (such as a yahoo group etc.)  To post a comment, click on the word "comments" below any post and follow the instructions.  It's easy and fun!

I will post the prize a little later probably next week.  So keep checking back to see which kit I'll be offering! 

Audrey Jeanne Roberts

15 thoughts on “Winner of Last Month’s Blog Contest and a Brand New Contest!!!”

  1. WooHoo! How did I get so lucky?!? Can you see me doing the happy dance?

    Thank you, AJ!

  2. Yea for Lambie!

    AJ, I’m always impressed with how often you update your blog. I’m not sure where all the extra free time comes from, but I’m glad you have some!

  3. Congrats Miss Lambie. You are one great gal.
    AJ, love all your contest and prizes.


  4. Congrats Miss Lambie…You sure are lucky! Thank you Miss AJ for all your Contest. I love reading your Blog.

  5. Oh cool AJ lots of chances to enter. I will actually have to start posting comments if I manage to keep up with reading it. Did you learn how to use sound recorder on the computer yet? (Nope… I need someone to research it and write a tutorial for me 🙂 AJ)

  6. Hi Audrey. I’ve only just joined the forum and this is my first time to read your blog. I’ve enjoyed it very much. I would love to join in the competition but don’t know where the comments boxes are on posts. By the way, congratulations, Lambie, on your win; enjoy. (You commented, so what ever you did was it. The first time you have to fill out the form so that spammers can’t get through. You wouldn’t believe how many try! Next time you’ll just click on comments and type in your comment! Thanks, and welcome!!!! AJ)

  7. Well thats easy, even when I am sick I come here to read this and see all the purtties!!!!

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