This Month’s Blog Contest Prize…

Will be my as now unreleased "Perfectly Peachy 2" kit!  This kit will be out at some point this month, but you might end up having it before it ends up in the store!

prize preview

How do you win it?  By posting comments on any post during the month.  Simply click on the "comments" label below any post and leave a comment… that's it! 

Earn extra entries by making a referral of my blog site to someone in your family, a friend or group such as a Mom's group, crafting group or?  Anyone that you think would benefit from my writing.  Post a comment to that effect and I will not only give you credit for your comment, but add additional entries into the drawing for each person you refer.  Groups receive 10 entries as do a link to your web or a link to a yahoo group etc.

It's so much more fun to blog when I know what you're thinking and it becomes a dialog rather than one way.  So, have fun, there's no limit to how many comments you can leave!  Also, I try to read every comment, so if you have a question about what I wrote, I'll answer you on your comment (in paranthesis), so check back for the answer. 

I just want to thank all of you for coming and spending a few minutes here with me as often as you do.  It amazes me, we're approaching 30,000 visits already!!  Hugs to all of you,

Audrey Jeanne Roberts


38 thoughts on “This Month’s Blog Contest Prize…”

  1. Like the new kit AJ. Am I right in thinking (haven’t actually looked) that at least some of Perfectly Peachy could be combined with the Antique Victorian Rose? (I haven’t either but I would guess that it could. You might need to shift color slightly on some of it. Some of the rose elements were actually used to make the Antique Victorian Rose but they were antiqued for that kit. AJ)

  2. Just Peachy is to die for, Audrey. So elegant and timeless. A compliment
    to your blue hydrangeas:)

  3. This set is so feminine. the peach tones are gorgeous. What type is the beautiful single flower? (It is a Parrot Tulip, they are ruffled petals and just gorgeous! AJ)


  4. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT will you draw my name PLEASE !! Sure be a nice complimentary kid to the Perfectly Peachy set. (My handsome husband does the drawing for me, you’ll have to bribe him. A little home cooking would probably do the trick since I do so little of it 🙂 aj)

    Wish just a little of your talent could rub off on me.

    Hugs ~ Kay

  5. Love this new set, AJ. Certainly would like to add it to my collection. Thanks for all the beautiful graphics you paint for us.

  6. I just love those parrot tulips. Another great kit AJ 🙂 See you in the garden 🙂

  7. This latest kit is absolutely beautiful, just like all of your others. Yes, I have to have them all. It’s an addiction 🙂

    You are truly a wise woman and I thank you for sharing your thoughts, views, experiences and wisdom on your blog and at DAISIE.

    What a gifted person you are and I thank you for sharing your talents with all of us.


  8. I like the “books” on the table and the ruched silk look of that background!

  9. Well now…that’s a lot to comment on. Your creations are SO beautiful AJ. It’s great of you to offer a free set! You’re a peach!
    I’ll let my Sister & SIL know to come and look at your new set 😉 (extra entries added! Thanks so much dear lady! AJ)

  10. The peach kit is going to be perfect for the layouts of my oldest son’s wedding…this was their color! It was a beautiful wedding even if it wasn’t blue! I would try to bribe your DH, but I don’t cook either…LOL!
    I love your work AJ…….

  11. Your peachy set is so pretty, I also sent your web address to 10 other people in my address book. Some used to be graphic artists:) (Thank you sooooo much! extra entries added! AJ)

  12. Those images would go perfect with the peach ones that i just bought. I emailed my family to check out your blog and graphics. (I’ve added extra entries for you AJ)


  13. not posting for prize but tell you that I adore this peach kit as I love peach and roses. HOw perfect, can’t wait for the second kit to come and the third and so on – you get my drift, keep painting peach everything! LOL 🙂
    Love you AJ


  14. AJ, this is absolutely beautiful! I am starting on the “Perfect Peach” set now to make some more Scripture cards. I knew they would be a hit with your lovely graphics on them.. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with all of us.

  15. This set is just as gorgeous as the first peachy set. It’s a good thing my dh has been working overtime…should I tell him that I HAVE to buy every one of your sets? Keep ’em coming…

  16. AJ that is just beautiful! But I should not be surprised :)! I can’t wait to try some Scripture cards :)!

  17. AJ, I wish I had just a little of your talent…..Since i don’t please keep painting, lol.

  18. This is so beautiful and feminine. I love the swirly dots. Thanks for sharing your talent with us.

  19. Your Perfectly Peachy kits are just beautiful, so soft and feminine. You do such great work.

  20. I love the new kit. Can’t wait until it hits the Daisy Company shop. Your kits are lovely the flowers so real. Is there any chance of a Tulip kit? (I took hundreds of reference photos in my garden this spring, tulips and lilacs were my focus. All I’m waiting for is a week to do nothing but paint. Hopefully I’ll get that time soon! Keep pestering, oops I mean reminding me :-)! AJ)


  21. I just love your graphics. They are so beautifully done and I am drawn to floral for some reason.
    Can’t get enough of your beautiful work.
    Hugs, Betty

  22. AJ – this set is beautiful.

    We are soooooooo lucky to have you as one of the terrific artists at DAISIE.

    Thank YOU for always sharing a part of you that touches so many hearts.

  23. wow… have done it again Audrey. I love everything about your art work and gives me great pleasure in using it. What I make comes out so beautiful,the quality is superior, exceptional. Loved peachy 1, so would recommend the second set to anyone. Thank you for the tags they are perfect for any Mother. Plus I would like to say that its nice they have “Mother” on the front instead of “Mom”. I find alot of US artist dont always take in to consideration UK girls buying their art work, which sometimes comes with Mom on the front of things that we cannot use, due to us using Mother or Mum. Keep up the good work hun. I look forward to seeing more. xxxxx 🙂

  24. The flowers have a lady like, old worldly quality about them that I would love to live in a house with them being used as decoration. The flowers are dainty and romantic at the same time. They are simply wonderful. I really do love them.

  25. Another wonderful set. One of my favorite colors. I’m actually planning to paint my bedroom and bath a shade of peach so these will be wonderful for some prints or nightlight shades or……
    Thanks AJ

  26. AJ, once I found out your alpha set changes colors—I was sold.
    Look out, I finally got the sets I’ve been salivating over for about
    2 weeks now….I need to get busy crafting, if I can stop chatting;)

  27. This is a beautiful set. I would love to win it… If I don’t I’ll guess I’ll Have to buy it!!! hee hee…. anyway… I did refer my mom to your site and I put a link her on my blogspot.

  28. I love you baby toddler kit you just previewed. Will be anxiously awaiting it in the Daisie Shop.


  29. I’m one of your biggest fans. Just love your work. This set is especially beautiful. I haven’t bought the matching ones but I’m going to. I’m refering a friend and neice to your site. (So blessed that you’re enjoying my work! Thanks for the referrals and you have 2 extra entries in the drawing! Hugs, AJ)

  30. Oooh AJ That is sooo pretty. I know it is a gift from the Lord to be able to create the way you do. I’ll tell why I love this one so much I want to make a special album for my daughter who always wants me to write about my self you know my likes and dislikes, what I enjoy, favorite music. I love how feminine it is and can be used in so many ways. keep up your spirit of creativity and thank you for blessing us with all your creations from your heart. God Bless Lorie

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