Two Beautiful Friday Freebies at D.A.I.S.I.E. Company!

(UPDATE: the link has expired.  Please check back for other specials about once or twice a month).  There is always a Friday Freebie at The D.A.I.S.I.E. Company, but today is extra-special because there are two!  I don’t think you could get farther apart in style either… there’s something for everyone at Daisie.

Friday Freebie

Tricia Peterson is a new artist to D.A.I.S.I.E. Company and has some fabulous tropical beach sets that coordinate with the freebie.  I love her style and I know you will too!

If you click on the picture of the freebie, it is a link that will take you to the store.  Click on purchase (you won’t be charged) and it will take you through the process.  Take a little time to look around in the shop and you’ll find some of the most beautiful and functional digital art on the net.

A lot of other sites have digitally created scrapbooking items, but very few are based on real, hand painted artwork.  Almost everything at Daisie has been created by the hand of real artists.

The second Friday Freebie is an Easter card created by Lynnie Smith.

Freebie link

 This card was created for her children’s class and she shares it with all of us.  Thanks so much to both Tricia and Lynnie for the generous, sharing spirits!

If there’s any specific clip art you need to create or complete a project, the chances are that in the over 900 kits that are available at DAISIE you’ll be able to find what you need.

Happy Easter!  He is Risen!

Audrey Jeanne Roberts

One thought on “Two Beautiful Friday Freebies at D.A.I.S.I.E. Company!”

  1. Audrey Jeanne,

    I love your work and all the pretties you do for us. Thank you for your freebies.

    The artwork to the left on your freebies page is beautiful…it would make a beautiful kit. It looks like handpainted flowers in watercolors. Do you paint also? (Yes Kate, all of the artwork that you see on this blog, each of the digital kits etc. begin as original watercolors that I have painted. From there, they are scanned, digitized, prepped and then worked together graphically to produce the products you see here. Thanks so much for your encouragement! Hugs, AJ)

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