Welcome Nancy’s Kitchen readers!

I have recently reconnected with my wonderful Aunt Nancy and discovered that she has the most amazing recipe site!  I must confess… I paint better food than I cook, but I am always trying to improve on the meager skills that I do have and all of your wonderful hints and recipes will help me to do that!  In exchange, I've promised Aunt Nancy that I'll provide her with art to prettify her wonderfully practical website — I think that's only fair!

I'm starting to write articles for Nancy's website and I also write daily in my blog here.  My range of topics is varied, starting (of course) with my art!  I share sneak peeks of new art that will be coming to The D.A.I.S.I.E. Company, and new products that I have created for either the giftware or home decor industries.  My current project is a brand new quilting fabric line with Loralie Designs that will debut at the shows soon and be available in Quilt shops across America around August 2007. 

I also have digital freebies on my blog and will be creating craft projects that you will be able to download free blank templates and instructions for.  Any craft kits that I design templates for, will also have the completed craft project (including all art required) available for a very reasonable price at Daisie.  The first kit is a blank template for creating a digitally printable quilt block (with your own digital graphics or photographs).  These are for printing on your ink jet printer on printable fabrics.  You'll find them filed under "Crafting." There are two kits that have already been created for you, and will be available for purchase on Daisie I believe this Friday.

I also dabble in gardening, though I am by no means a master gardener!  My hints lean towards making gardening as simple and the least time-consuming as possible.  In both crafting and gardening, I'll leave the complex projects for Martha Stewart! 

I am a Christian and Inspirational book author with 13 books published, so a big part of what I share each day is in  segments I call "One Minute Wisdoms."  My current theme is "The Art of Simplifying Your Life."  You'll find the current series posts categorized under "Simplifying Life."  My goal in these segments is to provide devotional level writing that will cause you to think about how you can actually apply the principles to your own life.

I hope you'll peak around and look in my closets and cupboards while you're here, my home is your home Bye

LINK to FREE recipe cardsHere's one of my very, very basic "recipes" for a dessert I enjoy almost every night (I did warn you that I paint better than I cook!)  (NOTE: THE LINK HAS NOW EXPIRED 3/14/07 BUT IF YOU SIGN UP AT DAISIE COMPANY YOU'LL GET THE NEXT SERIES FREE)

There are I believe 10 more recipes and 12 blank recipe cards to match included in this free download.  Enjoy and feel free to pass this link on to others to come and sample.

If you want to receive this mailing 5 times a year, go to D.A.I.S.I.E. Company's website www.daisiecompany.com and sign up to be a member choosing to receive the newletters and all Daisie Extras and you'll receive these cards 5 times a year for FREE!

This link will only be operable through the end of the day, March 13th, 2007.  So hurry!

Audrey Jeanne Roberts 

17 thoughts on “Welcome Nancy’s Kitchen readers!”

  1. I am a quilter and was surprised but glad to hear about your fabric line. Will be on the lookout for it in our stores. Thanks for sharing your talents.

  2. Your site is beautiful and I have enjoyed reading your articles.

    Thank you, Mary Jo

  3. I really like your site and the Christian spirit that it is created in. I wasn’t sure how to download the freebies so gave up this time. I clicked on various things but nothing came up that was printable.
    I will be back to visit again. Shirley

  4. So happy you are now connected with your aunt Nancy. Her site is so enjoyable and I am using the recipes from it. Nancy’s e-mail recipe site is like a comfortable slipper, it is cozy and just fits. Your site, too, is great and I know we will enjoy it, your input, and Christian inspiration. Looking forward to knowing you better and seeing more of your wonderful talents.

    God bless you and many thanks, “Jody”

  5. What a beautiful sight you have. What a talented person you are. I am glad you reconnected with your Aunt Nancy. And yes, she is wonderful! I am addicted to her newsletter and would have to live a thousand years in order to prepare all the recipes I have copied.

    Isn’t family a wonderful thing!

  6. What a wonderful site. I love it.
    Thank you for sharing, and may God continue to bless you.

  7. I too could not get anything to happen when I clicked on your recipe card but I will try again, great site, your Aunt Nancy is great also keep up the good work.

  8. Your site is jsut beautiful. It seems you come from a very talented family! Your Aunt Nancy is just the best and I have copied so many recipes from her newsletter that I don’t have enough books to put all the recipes in.

    Keep up the good work! You have been blessed with your talent from the Lord!

  9. Thanks so much for the downloadable recipes and blank recipe card. This is a very unique thing for you to do. I would love to receive it during the year, so will sign up for that. I love all the recipes from Alicia’s Kitchen and almost all of them go in my recipe file. I love new recipes and love to read them and try them. The only thing with the download is I can’t find where they put the recipes. lol Guess if I look hard enough I will eventually find them. I saw all of them on the download but when I clicked out of that, I didn’t know where
    to go back to. Thanks so much and May God Bless You! Margaret (Margaret, you can use the search feature in windows and set it to search for pictures created in the last day and it should find them for you! Good luck… worst case scenario you can download them again. AJ)

  10. I very much have enjoyed this site. As I am writing this I am downloading the recipe cards freebies of which I am sure I will enjoy…Please continue with your good works. I enjoy the thoughts for the day also, and sometimes forward them to my daughters and friends. Thanks again, Rena

  11. Hi I want to thank you very much for your blank recipe cards. I am pretty new to the group and was wondering if you had other blank cards, I think they are wonderful?

  12. I would like to get your site at the e-address and name just above.
    Thanks. (note: I do not currently have a newsletter, but will be working on getting one started in the next 6 weeks. Also, my techincal guru is in Australia for another couple of weeks, and when he returns I’ll be asking him how we can have a sign up for a daily alert for people who would like to know that there’s a new post to read. Thanks for your patience! aj)

  13. I would like to have information on this site please I get e=mail from Nancy’s Kitchen.

    Barbara Haynes in Lindenwold, New Jersey

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