Making Valentine’s Day Special


It takes thoughtful planning to make the day special for the ones you love.  Whether you buy or make a card, plan a special dinner or whisk someone away for a special evening.  It's not hard to think of fun things to do when you have someone who is dear to you to share the day with… but what about those around us who don't?

We have very special plans for our Valentine's Day this year.  I'm "whisking" Steve away to take him up the mountain to Hume Lake Christian Conference Center for a quick 2 day, 1 night get away.  Sounds romantic (and it will be), but we have a greater purpose in mind.  We're sharing our Valentine's Day with a dear friend who lost his wife of 40 years (and the love of his life) to Breast Cancer last June.  We don't want him to be alone this Valentine's Day, so we will spend the evening with him sharing memories of Kath and how special a woman she was. 

We love Floyd very much and Kathy was one of the most special people I've ever had the privilege to know in my lifetime… all of us grieve her loss almost daily.  We're looking forward to hugging Floyd, praying with him and encouraging him to continue on in this adventure of life.  We can feel Kathy looking down and cheering us on.

Who is there in your life that will be alone and perhaps feeling unloved this Valentine's Day?  Is there a 20 something that has never had a relationship and fears she never will?  Is there a woman who was widowed some years ago?  Is there someone who is in the throes of a painful divorce?  Look around and ask the Lord to show you one person who really needs to know that they are loved and that they are special to someone.  Perhaps in doing so it will be one of your best Valentine's Days ever.

"Keep on loving each other as brothers (and sisters Laughing).  Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels withoug knowing it.  Hebrews 13:1-2 








Have a great one!

Audrey Jeanne Roberts

2 thoughts on “Making Valentine’s Day Special”

  1. What a lovely, thoughtful, plan you have for Valentine’s Day 😀 I hope you have a wonderful time!

  2. What a beautiful plan for Valentine’s Day Audrey! I love you plan and will do the same. The saying is “One can never run out of Love; the more you give, the more you receive and then some.”

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I am sure you have planted the seed of love and greatfulness in many hearts!

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