All posts by Audrey Jeanne Roberts

Working Towards an “Instant Scrapbook Album” Kit

Scrapbook page, digital scrapbook, wedding, bridal shower, pansies, pansy, victorian(UPDATE: THIS KIT IS NOW AVAILABLE IN THE DAISIE STORE, JUST CLICK ON THE FIRST IMAGE TO GO THERE) As I’m putting together these quick pages to test how the kits are working together, I think I’ll set this one up for an "Instant Scrapbook Album" as I think it would be perfect for Bridal Showers, Weddings, Special Events and just plain girlie layouts. 

wedding scrapbook, bridal shower scrapbook, digital scrapbookingI think I’ll set up the pages perhaps with the text as I show it and without any text so you can customize them easily.  It takes a little more memory and time for the download, but not that much for the convenience.

In addition to this kit, I already have another Wedding "Instant Scrapbook Album" kit that I put together before Christmas and forgot about!

bridal album, wedding album, scrapbook, scrapbooking, digital scrapbooking, rosesI’ll work on getting that into the store in the next couple of weeks so that there will be a couple to choose from.  That kit is in soft pink roses with gentle greens and creams.  There will be an optional add on section in bright pinks with a brighter green as well for those brides who like their color with a little punch!

I will also release the font that I’m using with the "Antique Victorian Pansies" Kit, it’s called "Audrey Jeanne’s Swash Italic Font" and is a hand lettered calligraphy hand. 

Another Preview of “Antiqued Victorian Pansies”

scrapbook, scrapbooking, digital scrapbooking, pansies, pansyI put in another long day that flew by and now I have more than enough pieces to put together several kits, paper packs and add on kits so I’m sorting through it all and trying to see what works best with what.  When I do that I inevitably create quick pages because that’s a "real world" test.

teacup, tea cup, teapot, tea pot, scrapbook, papers, scrapbooking, digital scrapbooking, digital clip art kit So, I should be able to have this up to the store by the Wed. deadline which means you’ll have it available to you in the store the following week!  I’m anxious to get it done, but my dear hubby seems to be wandering around this big ole place rather lonely and neglected so I’d better say g’night for the evening and pay some attention to him 🙂


First Peek at “Antiqued Victorian Pansies”

Antiqued Victorian Pansy, scrapbook, scrapbooking, quick page, page templateAt the end of a 14 1/2 hour day (time flies when you’re having fun!) I just couldn’t wait to show you a peek of my newest kits.  I’ve been painting like crazy today and putting the art together in a lot of interesting, antiqued, textural feeling ways.  I am just starting to play around with it and see how things are working together in the color palette and color values etc., so I threw together a quick page to see how they felt and voila!  Here’s your really early sneak peek.

It’s quite a shift from "My Heart’s Garden!"  But that’s what I love to do best, work on a lot of different styles and feels.  Hope you’ll enjoy it!

New Digital Scrapbooking Papers “My Heart’s Garden 2″

This kit will be out soon at DAISIE for $3.48 for 14 papers.  Valentine's day, card making, scrapbooking, scrapbook papersThese papers coordinate with all the "My Heart’s Garden" sets and much more that I’ve created.  They’re of course fun and whimsical and can be used for a lot of purposes besides scrapbooking.  Card making for Valentine’s day is a very fun acivity and with all the hearts on this set this art could be used for a great Valentine’s Day Card that isn’t all pink/red/white traditional!

Valentine's Day, hearts, flowers, stars, shabby chic papers, scrapbook, scrapbooking, digital scrappingThe textures are a great worn, shabby chic feel that would work for a lot of different uses.  I wish I had time to do a Can and wrapper set, maybe one of the Daisie designers will do one?!  If only there were more hours in my day 🙂


I Woke Up With a Story on my Mind…

and had the sense that someone needed to hear it today for an important reason.  The story is about prayer and a question I had for God.

My question was "God, why do you need a lot of people to pray?  Isn’t the prayer of a single person as important to you as the prayer of many?  Why do we need to ask a lot of people to pray when there’s a crisis?"  The answer to that question/prayer came a few days later.

I had a couple of friends that had waited a long time and were finally pregnant.  Billy was in his mid-forties and this baby was to be his first.  He was so excited that he just beamed every time I saw him at the yogurt shop he owned near my home.  Watching Robin’s tummy grow was such a joy and soon the day of delivery was getting close.

Billy and Robin were a really sweet Christian couple.  Billy was new to the faith.  He had come to the Lord late in life and had married Robin a few years earlier.  At the time I was the California State Prayer Coordinator for a National Ministry, so they knew that I loved to pray.  We had prayed frequently for their business and personal issues that arose.  I was invited to speak at the ministries National Conference in Washington DC that year and they had generously used their shop to help me raise the funds necessary to go.  I had grown to love them both very much.

One morning, I was awakened by an urgent phone call.  It was Billy letting me know that Robin had gone into labor over night and that her water had broken at the hospital.  When it did, the doctors noted that it was badly meconium-stained (meaning that the baby had had a bowel movement in the amniotic fluid, which is often a sign of distress).  They were rushing her in for an emergency C-section.  There was great concern about the baby’s lungs and the possibility of infection.  Babies lungs "inhale" the amniotic fluid as a practice for breathing and to develop their lungs, so if fecal material were inhaled infection was strongly likely to follow.

I immediately began to make calls to people I knew all around the country from my ministry network.  I not only asked them to pray, but each time we stopped and prayed together over the phone.  The people I called were all volunteers in the ministry and had wide-ranging careers, educational levels and maturity in following Christ, but one thing they shared and that was that they all knew how to pray fervently.  I prayed with a farmer in the midwest, an east-coast lawyer, Pastors, stay-at-home-moms like me and even a doctor.  During the course of that day, not one, but two prayers were answered — the desperate need of my friend’s baby and my need to understand why a volume of prayer is as important to God as the cry of a single heart.

You see, I probably prayed with about 25-30 different people over the course of that day and not one of those people prayed the same thing!  Each had a little different understanding of the situation and prayed for a different portion of the need.  The doctor and the farmer both understood birth and prayed about different aspects of the baby’s health and recovery.  The stay-at-home-mom wept for the mother’s anxiety and fear.  She identified with the emotions she was probably a Mom and prayed for her special needs in the midst of the crisis.  Each prayed for something that I hadn’t even thought to pray. 

It was as though I was listening to an intricate symphony of prayer that came together in a powerful crescendo that was far greater than the sum of its parts.  It was as though in the voices of the many came a completeness that I as one individual could never have prayed.

Billy, Robin and their baby girl felt loved and supported in a way that they had never experienced before, Billy’s faith grew in a special way and their baby recovered miraculously.  She suffered no infection and was able to come home from the hospital just a few days later. 

At the end of that amazing day of prayer, I learned a very important lesson — one that 25 years later I am sharing with you.  God cares enough to answer a single cry of a desperate heart, but He also cares enough to know that we need each other’s love and support even as we seek Him for answers to our crisis and dilemmas.  In the whole body of Christ is found completion, and that completion also happens as the whole body of Christ joins together to pray.   

If you have a special need for prayer, please don’t hesitate to call your local church prayer chain or a couple of special friends to join with you in seeking God’s intervention.  God hears the cry of a single heart, but sometimes WE need to hear the comfort of a loving human voice, feel the hugs of human arms and be touched by the caring of a human heart as we seek Him together.

“My Heart’s Garden 2″ Digital Clip Art Kit for Valentine’s Day Coming Next Week

valentine's day, hearts, flowers, bouquet, presentI was finally able to get back to work this afternoon, the stomach flu was only a 48 hour bug fortunately!  Here’s the second half of the "My Heart’s Garden" whimsical art set.  There are 34 pieces and it will retail for $5.98 at THE DAISIE COMPANY store next week.  There will also be a matching paper pack that I will preview probably tomorrow.

valentine's day stars, hearts, tags, framesIn the kit, there are 2 papers, 2 tags, 6 borders, 8 frames and 16 art pieces.  The bouquets of flowers are all heart-shaped whimsical flowers. 

One of my favorite items in this kit is the string of "paper dolls" that are holding hearts, and the coordinating dancing stars.  

Valentine's day, hearts, flowers, frames scrap book, scrapbookingThe background and frames are richly textured for a shabby chic feel and the watercolored stripes and borders and squiggly and fun!

I think that some of my daughter’s grade school pictures would be really fun scrapped with this kit, I’ll have to drag out the photos and get to work!  I think I remember some Easter dress and Easter Egg Hunt pictures that would be valentine's day, scrapbook, scrapbooking, digital scrapbooking, hearts, flowers, bouquetreally fun with these colors.  I guess I don’t have any excuse not to scrap them!  Lol!

THE SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY:  Rom 15:14 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.  NIV

PRAYER:  Lord, sometimes I struggle to find joy in life.  I go through the motions each day accomplishing the tasks that I must do, yet at times I wonder if this is all there is?  Perhaps I have grown afraid to hope that things can be different than they are, and as that hope has dried up, so has my delight in living.

Lord, you are the God of hope.  Give me a new hope, a new vision for what you want to do in my life.  Renew those places where I have lost hope, refresh it and make it new!  Give me your peace and flood my soul with joy as I learn to trust in you.  Amen.



Need a Little Advice

Have any of you had the awful stomach flu that is going around?  If so, any suggestions?  My husband, myself and my youngest daughter all have it and it isn’t pretty.  Fever, chills, aches, in my case vomitting and in my daughter’s the runs.  We have Immodium AD and are drinking plenty of fluids.  Would charcoal tablets be helpful?  We picked this up from Everett’s house when we were there to support his mom and our dear friends. 

I’ll be watching for comments and suggestions so thanks anyone who’s been through it.

Free Gift Tags for Valentine’s Day or Every Day Use

Freebie, Free gift tag, valentine's day, hearts, flowersHere’s the freebie that I promised you since I’ve been a busy girl all week and haven’t posted much (I’m feeling guilty, guilty, guilty!  LOL!)  You can use them with the gift bags that are still free at THE DAISIE COMPANY, just scroll down a few posts and there’s a link when you click on the picture.

To go to the download, just click on the picture and follow the directions.  This freebie is subject to THE DAISIE COMPANY’S Terms of Use (

The kits and font that coordinates with these freebies are "Audrey Jeanne’s Whimsical Font" which is available in both a personal and commercial use package and can be found Here:  PERSONAL


 Audrey Jeanne’s "My Heart’s Garden" and "My Heart’s Garden Paper Pack" and can be found here: and here:

I hope you’ll enjoy this little goodie, please feel free to let any friends you know would enjoy it know about it, and you can post the link on any message boards you are part of.

I must run, as I was posting this message, we got a phone call that a dear friend of our just passed away.  He was 95 years old and the father/grandfather/great-grandfather to a family that is as close as family to us.  We are going down to be with them.  Everett knew the Lord, was suffering from Alzheimer’s and just last week said, "I wish the Lord would just take me home, I’m ready."  So we grieve for his family but rejoice with him.   AJ


I was Going to Have a Freebie Today But it isn’t Done Yet.

So come look tomorrow, I should have it done then.  We’re going to a dinner theatre tonight to see "42nd Street" and I have to live shortly.  Next week I’ll try to be better in writing, I’ve been sooooo busy this week I haven’t had time to think.

Please pray for my niece Staci Geiger (2 1/2 years old) she’s in the hospital with breathing problems and has been in since Sunday.  Her oxygen levels won’t hold, she’s on an anti-pneumonia regiment and the doctor’s don’t feel that they’re getting a handle on things.  Thank you so much, I’ll give you updates when I get them.  Got to run!

The Free Clip Art Contest Winner is…

The person that won this month posted on one of the busiest posts, is a dedicated reader and will be very excited that she won.  She wins the "My Heart’s Garden Paper Pack" (unless she’s already bought it, then she can have "My Heart’s Garden 2" which will be coming out soon)

The 8th day, the 5th post. was the winner chosen this morning.  Congratulations to her!!! 

I’ve been so busy I haven’t had time to write or to get any kits going, but my agent has some great meetings in Atlanta!  We’ll see what happens down the line, thanks for those of you that were praying, keep it up !

I hope to have my whimsical font and kit #2 on "My Heart’s Garden" up for next week.  I’ll get previews for you as soon as I can.  Have a great day and keep posting for the next contest at the end of the month.  All you have to do to enter the contest that has 2 winners a month is post a comment on any day and if that day and that # comment is drawn you’re the winner. 

A Valentine’s Day Freebie For You Today!

Valentine's Day Clip Art Kit gift bagI have created a mini-gift bag kit for Valentine’s day using Gina Jane’s Template with hearts, a heart topiary and whimsical heart-shaped flowers and it is FREE for 2 weeks only at THE DAISIE COMPANY STORE.  Here’s the picture and if you click on it it will take you to the download spot.  You will need to register at Daisie Company in order to get the download, but there is no cost and all they will do is send you a free newsletter each week letting you know what is new in the store and including a FREEBIE each friday.  So if you are into digital scrapbooking or crafting in any way, you will love this newsletter!

The art used in making this craft project is now also available in the store so you can create matching cards or other Valentine’s Day goodies to go with it!

I intentionally created these to work all year around (and for those of you who are not in the US and don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day but do have people you love!!!)


New Paper Pack With Hearts for Valentine’s or Other Uses.

(UPDATE: now available for $3.48 at the Daisie Store.  Just click on the first image and it will take you there.)  paper pack clip art kit hearts, baby boy, baby girl, valentine's dayThis paper pack goes with the new, soon-to-be released "My Heart’s Garden" Clip Art Kit coming to The DAISIE COMPANY.  It also coordinates perfectly with the "Baby Love" clip art kits for girls and boys. 

There are 17 papers in this kit designed to work really well with each other is scale, pattern and color.  Hopefully they will make your creative efforts quite easy and simple!

valentines baby boy baby girl papers hearts squiggles leavesI still haven’t completed the paperwork on the font, so it will be out next week.  It’s been a very busy week for this girl!  (I know DebD I hear your tap, tap, tapping!)

Thanks for the sweet private emails about my new scriptures and prayers.  They have been very encouraging.  I had one mentioning that she isn’t at all a "religious" person and liked the fact that I kept is separate so she could read it or not as she wished, but that she had been surprised how the thoughts had touched her heart. 

As alway, all are welcome here, those with faith, those with a different faith or those with absolutely no faith at all.  I hope that that always comes through in my writing.  My prayers are written for me first and foremost (as I need them a bunch :-)!)  If they touch your life then I’m doubly blessed.

The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. Some have wandered away from these and turned to meaningless talk.  NIV

PRAYER:  Lord, when I read this verse, I want to be all of these things.  I want to be filled with your love, first sensing it for myself then being filled with it so much that it overflows to all who share my life.  I really want to have a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith but I fall so short at times.  Please build these character traits in me and teach me what they are and how to live by them.

I don’t want my life to be like the latter, wandering away from these things and turnded to meaningless talk.  I guess you’re the only one that truly knows what will last forever and what might be fun and interesting in the now but is really meaningless talk.  Thank you Lord for being my teacher today!

“My Heart’s Garden” Valentine’s Clip Art Kit Previews

Valentine's day clip art, whimsical heart inspired art(UPDATE:  This kit is now available for $5.98 at the Daisie Store, click on the first image to take you there.)  Here’s the kit previews and a preview of my new Audrey Jeanne’s Whimsical Font that will be coming soon (yeah I know…. FINALLY!)  Fonts are unbelievably time-consuming, I love when they’re done, but process of giving birth to them is painful :-)!

The artwork that is featured in this kit and several add on kits that will be coming later has a very fun story that goes with it.  In 2003, I was asked by valentines day whimsical clip art teapot watering can hearts trellis swirlsChristian Art Publishers to create a line of 6 gift books that would contain both my art and my text.  It sounded like a really fun project until they finished the rest of the proposal with "We’ll need to have it all done in two months!"

At that point I proposed the only way we could accomplish that deadline was for me to come to them in South Africa and work non-stop for a couple of weeks.  They agreed and I took a 26 hour plane ride to the other side of the world.  I wrote 3 1/2 of the books before I came and finished the rest working with their editorial staff each morning and retiring to my beautiful garden "apartment" in a 100+ year old refurbished Victorian guest home that they provided for me to stay in. 

hearts, tulips, iris, trellis, valentine's day clip artI worked with their very talented graphic arts department to lay out the art for the books and we came to a really difficult problem.  One of the titles was "A Hug for You Today," and we just couldn’t find any of my existing art that could in effect illustrate a hug.  So, I retreated to my quarters, sat in front of the giant window looking at a magnificent garden fountain and a freshly budding spring garden and started to play.  I had decided that the art had to have a playful feel, be oriented to women and be something a woman would be comfortable giving to another woman, other than that I had no idea where the journey would take me! 

hand lettered font, commercial use, personal use Two days later I had more art than we could use!!!  Once I started playing around, idea after idea came to me.  The book was easily finished and sold very well, but because the art was so different from my usual work it was filed away for me to work with "in the future."  This week as I searched my hard drive for heart-inspired artwork I rediscovered it and I’m so glad I did!  There are such wonderful memories associated with it that It’s a true joy for me to work with it.

I hope you will enjoy it and some of the fun, cheerfulness and warm emotional connections that I experienced on that trip will make its way into your crafting and scrapbooking!

SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY: Hos 2:15 I will return her vineyards to her and transform the Valley of Trouble into a gateway of hope. She will give herself to me there, as she did long ago when she was young, when I freed her from her captivity in Egypt.

PRAYER:  Lord, the woman spoken about in this passage had ventured far from you and had done much that was wrong and yet your heart was compassionate towards her and always ready to forgive, restore and bless her.  Help me to remember that your desire for me is ALWAYS to restore me, no matter how often I forget to seek you out or how far from your ways I roam.

Help me to draw near to you and let you show me the areas in my life that you want to change so that you can bless me.  Help me to learn to trust you more and give myself to you more fully day by day.  Amen

Valentine’s Day and Year Around “My Heart’s Garden” Whimsical Hearts ‘n Flowers Clip Art

(UPDATE:  This kit is now available for $5.98 at the Daisie Company Store.  Just click on the first image and it will take you there.)  Valentine's Day hearts, flowers, coffee mug, tea, watering can clip artI wanted to do a kit that could be used for Valentine’s Day, was whimsical and yet wasn’t all red, pink and white so it was limited to the holiday.  So as I scanned my hard drive I found the art that I did for my book "A Hug for You Today" and it fit the bill perfectly!  I’m still cleaning the art and getting pieces ready so it will be a bit yet before it’s ready to be released, but here’s a few pieces for a sneak preview.

There’s a really fun border that is made up of all of these whimsical heart-inspired flowers plus some bleeding hearts, iris, whimsical daisies and more! 

I’ll bring more previews as I get them finished, now back to my scanner and photoshop!!!

A New Year, a New Start, Where do you Want to go this Year?

When you get to my age, you’ve pretty much given up on "New Year’s Resolutions!"    They just aren’t very effective and you often find yourself making the same ones year after year after year LOL!  Yet if you’re like me and want to change important areas of your life, it’s actually important that we think about this a little bit more at this time of the year.  But how can we make change that lasts rather than resolutions that fade into oblivion?

When I look back just one year at how much I’ve been changed it never seems like very much.  But if I look back twenty years and see the amazingly different person I am today versus who I was then, I’m encouraged to keep moving forward.  Like interest in a savings account, change happens over long periods of time in small increments that can greatly add up.  Change happens when we begin to THINK differently and then begin to APPLY those changed thoughts in a way that CHANGES OUR ACTIONS.  Permanent change happens when our hearts and/or our minds have been changed significantly enough to impact our actions.

The way the Lord has helped me to make lasting changes in my own life, is to ask Him to change me by praying for His help.  I have learned that admitting I am helpless on my own is the first and most important step.  Sometimes, to be honest, I don’t even really want to change I just know that I should.  Sometimes I even have to ask Him to help me to be willing, to be made willing to change!  I’ve learned to ask Him for  His insights, His instructions and then the courage to obey what He directs me to do.  It sure isn’t very glamorous, but it’s been pretty amazingly effective over the years.  Have you ever asked for God’s answers to your problems rather than just telling Him what you think the answer should be?  It’s a very different concept and one that is a powerful change agent.

I have one more very important question for you.  How do you know the direction that you want to take your life in is the correct one?  Change can be for good or for bad — it’s not enough to merely want to change, but to change in a way that will be a blessing to your life and the lives of those you love.  People often bank on the newest fad to direct their lives, but can you think of a fad or two that have passed by and seem pretty silly in retrospect?  I sure can!  I want to invest the years I have left to live, on a direction that I won’t regret at their end.  For me, the only reliable, never changing, always effective direction for my life comes out of what I believe to be the word of God, otherwise known as the bible.

So, this year, I am going to do something a little differently.  I find that there are two simple practices that have hugely changed my life, reading/studying and then PRAYING God’s word into my life.  So at the end of each day’s post instead of a simple scripture of the day, I’m going to add a prayer that applies that scripture to my own life.  I trust that I will change in new and fresh ways and that those of you who also walk this path of faith will come along and share the journey with me.

Rom 12:2  Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will. NIV

PRAYER:  Lord, I am not as good as I would like to be at discerning what truths are good, what are useless and what will ultimately  turn out badly if I apply them to my life.  Please give me your wisdom, insights, and understanding of the areas I need to be changed and then give me the courage to act on those insights. 

I admit that I’m powerless to make lasting change.  I’ve tried over and over again with little success.  Remind me daily that you LOVE to transform my life!  I really do want your good, pleasing and perfect will made real in my life.  Please help me to find it and then to be willing to let you make the changes in my heart and my thinking that can bring it to pass.  Amen.