Surtex & Licensing Shows Coming Up

For those of you that are regular readers, now is the time of year that I have to bury myself in new design work to have it ready for the two biggest licensing shows of the year as well as other lesser shows.  So I’m going to apologize in advance for neglecting you from time-to-time.

I will try to use this time to upload many of my classic digital clip art kits to this site and since that doesn’t take too much time, but what I REALLY have to do is clean my art studio so I can CREATE ART IN IT!!!

The trash can is in the middle of the floor and I’m working from one end to the other.  It’s beyond awful and NO I will not post pics of it, LOL!  I am vulnerable to blackmail if pictures ever got out!

Have a great weekend all and thanks for your understanding and patience!

8 thoughts on “Surtex & Licensing Shows Coming Up”

  1. My craft room needs cleaning too. I need to follow your example and clean it before
    I start another project. You will be missed during this time but can’t wait to see the kits you upload. Good luck with your new art design work.

  2. Good luck AJ on preparing for the shows. I know you will be creating some wonderful new art. BTW, I’ve already seen pix of your studio (remember the messiest studio contest!)

  3. AJ, I am glad I came by, I was missing you and now I see you are in a busy time. I pray all of your work goes lightening fast and we will see you soon. 🙂

  4. I wish I could get mine cleaned. I am just too tired after work, but I am retireing Dec. 31!! whoohoo!! Kathy

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