Audrey Jeanne’s Expressions Framed Print Line Catalog

audrey jeanne's expressions framed print line catalogHas been turned into an Adobe Reader PDF document that you can now download.  This is our older version catalog.  We are working on the new catalog for this year and as soon as the new designs have been completed it will also be released.  You can access this page any time by looking at the "Pages" column to the right.

You can download the catalog by clicking on the image to the left.  It will lead you through the downloading process.  The download link is at the bottom right side of the page, in a white box.  It might take a minute for that box to appear, but when it does the link will be active.  Please be aware that it is a relatively large file that will take a while to download.  When you go to the download site, it will be green in color and look very generic, it is my site, so don’t be worried that it doesn’t look like my blog. 

It is at 100 dpi, which is slightly better quality than monitors can read and will allow you to enlarge to see detail and read text.  This catalog and all the artwork and poetry within it are officially registered with the United States Copyright office and we intend to fully enforce those copyrights.  Please respect them or you could be held liable for both punitive damages and legal costs.

We ship anywhere in the US and Canada, shipping rates vary with weight and distance.  We can ship elsewhere in the world but cost usually proves prohibitive.   


4 thoughts on “Audrey Jeanne’s Expressions Framed Print Line Catalog”

  1. Beautiful, AJ! I love all of your floral things. I can’t wait to download your catalog and peruse it while having a nice cup of tea.

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