Please Pray for Me! I’m Speaking This Morning

I’m the featured speaker at our Women’s Breakfast this morning and I’m sharing on the topic, "Living a Legacy… Leaving a Legacy."  How can our lives make a difference in the world around us and the world we’re leaving to our children and grandchildren and the generations beyond?  I am challenging women to invest themselves in each of the relationships that they have in their lives.  Family, co-worker, friend or stranger, all can be impacted by how real our relationship with Christ is and how much we allow Him to use us each day.

There are at least three legacies that we can leave behind us, a legacy of faith, a legacy of love and a legacy of prayer.  Each one can outlive us in their influence and abilitiy to bless those who come after us.

I’ll write more this afternoon when I get back.  I just wanted to enlist your prayers that the Lord speak through me and His message be clear.  Without His power I might be entertaining, but no one’s life will be changed. 

THE PROVERB FOR THE DAY:  Proverbs 16:3 & 9  Put God in charge of your work, then what you’ve planned will take place…. We plan the way we want to live, but only God makes us able to live it"

Have a great day with your family and if you have one in your life, Bless your Father!  Tell him what he did right in raising you (whether it was a lot of things or only a few).  If your husband is the kind of father you always wish you had, honor him for it.  If there’s someone who has been like a father to you, call him and tell him how much his love and support has meant in your life.  Gifts are wonderful, but the real treasure is what is deposited in the heart by the gift of our words!

Happy Father’s Day!  Audrey Jeanne Roberts

3 thoughts on “Please Pray for Me! I’m Speaking This Morning”

  1. Is this the one you are going to record and post on the blog? I would love to hear it. (If all goes well, yes! I may be emailing you for some help 🙂 aj)

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